Part 3

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As me and Daphne entered the carriage the train pulled into the station."Let's go! I can't wait to get started!" Daphne said clutching my arm. "Calm down Daph" I said giggling at my friends behaviour.

We grabbed our bags and headed for the platform."Firs' years over here!" Shouted a rather large man with a lantern. "What the bloody hell is that!" Goyle exclaimed , "I have no bloody idea" Crabbe said in awe.
"Keep walking you two , it's just a filthy halfbreed nothing to get excited about." Draco said while shoving the two idiots along.

"Alex get in a boat with me!" Daphne asked while pulling me along. I looked back at Draco helplessly. I watched as he gave me a sour look that made my heart clench , and get into a boat with none other than Pansy Pugface Parkinson. That greedy witch has always fancied Draco every party ,gala , and organised play dates by our mothers she would always be ALL over him.

"Daph! Look what you've done! Pugface is with Draco!" I exclaimed trying to get my friend to realise the seriousness of the situation. Daphne looked over at Draco and gave me a pained expression "sorry Alex! We'll fix it I promise".I looked back over at them as everyone else stared up at Hogwarts for the first time ,I couldn't take my eyes away from Pansys hand on Draco's shoulder.

We where ushered from the boats into the building by a women named Professor Mc Gonagall who apparently was the head of Gryffindor, blood traitor.

I tried to catch up to Draco but by the time I got near him he was walking towards Potter... Who's standing with a Weasley. Well that's not going to go well.

I turned away and went back to Daphne, I'll wait till he's in better form the incident with Potter will only set him off more.The Mc Gonagall woman came back to bring us in to the hall.

The great hall was absolutely spectacular, the roof was like the night sky and there was candles floating in the air.At the top of the hall infront of a long table filled with adults sat a small stool with an ugly old hat upon it.

I wasn't paying much attention if I'm being perfectly honest. Daphne , Crabbe , Goyle and unfortunately Pansy all got put into Slytherin along with a few others. Weasley got put into Gryffindor with the rest of the ginger clan.

Once it was my turn I tried to walk up the stairs and sit on the chair as gracefully as possible. As soon as the hat was placed on my head it shouted "SLYTHERIN!" I grinned and sat at the Slytherin table with Daph as they all cheered.

Up next was Draco ,and I swear as soon as the hat grazed the tips of his blonde hair , it yelled out "SLYTHERIN!" He smirked and strutted towards the table and sat down next to me.

Thank God Pansy was sitting further down the table with a horrific looking girl... I think her name was Millicent.

The food appeared and Dumbledore told us to dig in. You didn't have to tell anyone twice.

Once the feast was over the prefects escorted us down to the commen room. "The password is pureblood" .

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