[Chapter 5] Let Me Finish

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-Ian's POV-

I woke up to hear Rachael and Andrew arguing.

"I'm just not ready to move, Andrew!" Rachael screamed, "Why can't you just accept that?"

"Because you're just scared!" He yelled back at her.

I sat up on the couch that I slept on last night and saw the two of them standing in the kitchen. Rachael put her head in her hands and Andrew smacked his forehead. "We've already discussed this, Rach," Andrew remarked, "There's nothing here for you anymore. All of your friends have moved on and it's time for you to move on too."

"I'm done talking to you about this," She said, "Cancel our tickets and unpack everything, we're not moving." And with that, she walked out of the kitchen, not even acknowledging that I had woken up and heard the last of their argument.

"I'm not cancelling the tickets or unpacking anything! And we are moving, Rachael, whether you like it or not!" He shouted after her. She slammed whatever door behind her and Andrew shook his head. He noticed me and froze up, "Oh, you're up..." I just gave him a blank look, "How much did you catch of that?"

"Enough to know she's really upset with you," I remarked with a slight laugh as I rose to my feet and walked over to sit on one of the bar stools. "Why are you really moving anyways?"

"It's none of your business," He snapped at me, turning around and making himself a cup of coffee.

"It kind of is when my wife is Rachael's sister."

He glanced back at me and shook his head, "You won't understand."

"Try me."

Andrew slammed down the mug on the counter and spun around so he was facing me, "Okay, you want to know why I want her to move with me? Because this place has done nothing but made her life miserable. She moved here only to fall in love with someone who was already in love with someone else. He leads her on only to break her heart. And that's when I come in. We start dating, I propose to her, she says yes. I only proposed to her because I didn't want her to find out that I slept with Kalel. But she finds out anyways, tells me she never wants to see me again, and I leave. When I'm gone, she and Anthony start to date but break up soon thereafter. He breaks her heart a second time..."

"Hey, she was the one..." I tried to defend my friend, or should I say ex-friend...

"Let me finish," He cut me off. I heaved a sigh, "He breaks her heart again and I come in again. I apologize to her, tell her I still love her, and she agrees to move away with me..."

I laughed, "From what I can tell, she's not agreeing anymore..."

"LET ME FINISH!" He screamed. I rolled my eyes. He sighed and continued, "She agrees to move away with me because she knows she's only going to stay miserable here. Seeing everyone but her be happy. Kalel and Anthony...Melanie and Toby...you and Natalie..."

"Not anymore," I interrupted once again. Andrew clenched his jaw in anger. "Like I said, Natalie kicked me out because I supposedly got Kalel pregnant! Where the hell did you guys even hear that?"

"I don't know, Anthony called Rachael and then she made me take her to go tell Natalie something!" He retorted.

"I wonder where Anthony heard it from...I mean, I don't think Kalel would tell him it was me..."

We remained silent for a little before Andrew concluded his long explanation, "I just don't want Rachael to be hurt anymore, Ian. That's all."

I tilted my head down and said, "Yeah, same." I detected his confusion and explained, "I mean with Natalie. I don't want her to be hurt anymore either." He nodded his head in understanding.

-Melanie's POV-

I sat at the table with my parents. It was the morning after the dinner, and since there was supposedly some huge storm coming their way, they insisted Toby and I spend the night. I couldn't say no to my parents, I just couldn't. Anyways, the storm never came and I was just waiting for Toby to get up so we could leave.

"So," My dad tried to spark a conversation, "What's his name again? Tony?"

"Toby, dad," I corrected him, cupping my hands around the mug of coffee my mother had poured for me. He never liked any of my boyfriends. He didn't like Ian. And it was obvious he didn't like Toby.

"I thought he was a fine young man," My mother remarked. I looked over at her and smirked.

"He was the one she fake dated to get that idiot ex-boyfriend of hers back!" My dad growled. I rolled my eyes - he was still hung up on that whole "getting even" thing. It was a few years ago, for crying out loud! All of us have gotten over it!

"Well I thought she was cuter with Toby anyways," My mom glanced over at me and smiled.

"Thanks, mom."

Just then, Toby came down the stairs, shirtless and only in the pants he wore yesterday. I blushed in embarrassment. He looked over at me and his eyes widened, "Oh shit!" He mumbled under his breath as he ran back upstairs. I laughed and turned back around.

"Doesn't that boy have any respect?" My dad asked aloud. I glared at him. Maybe I should stop trying to introduce my boyfriend to my parents. Or at least my dad.

Toby returned, fully dressed and walked up behind me, "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Moat."

"Good morning to you too, Toby," My mom replied.

Toby leaned down and kissed me on the head. I looked up at him and grinned, "You ready to go?" I asked him.

"Yeah," He answered. I got up and was about to head for the door when my mom cleared her throat.

"Why don't you stay for breakfast?" My mom suggested. I looked back at her, "I mean, unless you have somewhere to be..."

I turned around and sighed, "Mom, we're really busy...I mean, maybe some other time?"

"Sure, dear," She retorted. I felt bad. My mom rose to her feet and pulled me into a hug, "Have a safe trip home, okay?"

"Yes, mom," I stepped back and looked at my dad, "I'll see you later, dad."

"Yeah yeah..." He mumbled under his breath as he avoided my gaze. I heaved a sigh and walked out the door with Toby. We hopped in the car and were on our way back home. As we drove down the highway, his phone started to go off. He looked over at me and asked me to see who it was. I picked up his phone and saw it was a text from Natalie.

I need you to come over as soon as you can. We need to talk. Thanks.

"Who is it?" He asked.


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