Videos go Viral

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The next day, I was so tired that I slept in until the afternoon. I was so glad that it was a Saturday. All I had to do was relax, eat and sleep all day, or that's what I had hoped to do.

As I was deciding between reading on Wattpad or surfing Pinterest, Vic came running in.

"Vic, can't you see I'm busy?"

"Busy with what?"

"Recovering from partying hard."

"As fun as that sounds...come with me lazy butt." Vic's naturally strong frame carried my skin and bones through my house. Did I mention that she blindfolded me?

"Where are you taking me? You do realize I know our entire house off by heart right?" She stopped after she pulled me inside a room. I ripped my blindfold off. "Why does your bedroom look like a science lab of electrical cords?"

"That's not funny. I've transformed half of my room into a film studio."

"Why would you do that?" I asked slowly.

"So we could film videos.'"

"Why did you say 'we'? Do not involve me in this Vic. I don't want to be a part of your schemes."

"It's not a scheme, it's YouTube."


"YouTube." She repeated. "It's a place where you can watch music videos and post random things. For example, video game cheats and tutorials and even blog videos and other fun stuff."

"Show me." She didn't have to say anything else to get me interested.An hour later, Vic and I were snuggled under her blanket on the floor watching prank videos. I was suddenly addicted to the thing called YouTube, and I was regretting not finding it sooner.

"So..." Vic slammed her laptop shut. " want to make a video?"

"Is this mom's idea? Is she trying to get you to ruin my life too?"

"It's my idea" she said sadly. "Did I ruin your life with Wattpad? No!" She answered her own question. "Please." I hated when she used her puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, okay. One video, that's it."

"Yah! That's the spirit. Ok, stand on the red 'x' and when I give you the countdown, introduce yourself. And the rest we can make up as we go."

"That doesn't sound good."

"It'll be fine." She shook it off. Meanwhile, I was in the middle of having a panic attack because I wasn't good in front of the camera.

Vic held up three fingers. Suddenly, I couldn't remember my name, or any word in the English language for that matter.

Two fingers. Sweat broke out on my forehead and dripped down the back of my neck. If I lifted my arms, the sight would probably be enough to make a grown man cry.

One finger. I tried to compose my self enough to look like I wasn't having a mild heart attack. I took one last calming breath and Vic gestured for me to go. But I couldn't.

I stood there in front of the camera trying to compose a sentence.

"Ava, what's wrong?" Vic asked from behind the still recording camera.


"Okay, let me help you. She left the safety of behind the scenes and shifted to face the camera's glaring lens. "Hey everyone out there on YouTube just enjoying your day. I'm Victoria O'Connor but you can call me Vic. This useless lump over here is my sister Ava. This is our first time trying to make a start on YouTube. So far, I'd say we're tanking, but I hope I can change that." She nudged me into action and I pretended that I was just with Vic, and no one else.

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