*Chapter four*

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Lycanthrope Myth VS Fact

"You can cure yourself by killing the werewolf that bit you"

Simply a way to instill courage and false hope in order to get more able-bodied people to hunt werewolves without fear of infection. The same was also applied to vampires, such as the myth that killing the Alpha or "Master" will destroy or cure the entire pack.

Once bitten, the only way to avoid turning is death.


I couldn't stop thinking about what Maria said, and how utterly true it was. Every single bone in my body ached with the thought, with the dread. Alpha Thanatos; he could be real? How could such a myth be completely fabricated? Would his name even be the same?

I couldn't help but be helpless in this situation, unknowing, so unsure as to what our future holds. Can such a monster destroy us? A hate-filled, mate less, god of death, devil of hell. Our own personal hell.

I signed, and lay in the bed, the mattress sinking around my body in a comfortable cocoon. Warmth surrounds me like a coat, and I closed my eyes.

"Oh, paulo persici. I'm coming for you."A gruff, mangled voice announces.

I shudder at his voice, his sweet melody. My heart grows rapidly warm, while my body heats at his declaration. I had never felt such pure joy till I heard him speak. This new stranger.

"It's only a matter of time, a matter of minutes that I count till I claim you as mine. Mea. I will have you. Soon."



I awake in a cold sweat, a frenzy of emotions. My brain clicks quickly as to where I am. I jolt up, looking around the large room for any perpetrators. None. Not a single soul, besides myself. I gulp; remembering every detail of my dream. I had never remembered a dream so vividly before, half the time I completely am unaware. This was different, this was real. It felt to close to reality for it to be made up. Someone had to be messing with me, but how? No, I'm just thinking far too much into this.

I decided that I'd take the 'I'm crazy' route instead of dealing with this inner turmoil. This uncertainty.

I lick my chapped, rough lips before searching through my bags to find my Bert's Bees, and apply a thin layer. Sighing, I grab a jacket from the closet, and head to mom and Lucy's room. I needed some form of distraction, or I'd go nuts.

I knock before opening the door slowing, making sure they were decent enough to show any peeping, curious eyes from the hallway.

"Hey sweet pea, how are you?" Mom inquires with a grin on her face.

I want to tell her about my vivid imagination, my heated dream, only I couldn't with Lucy around. She was far too young to hear of such things. I just resolute to smile back and take in their room, as we always are aware of our surroundings. Their room was a bit larger, with two queen sized beds laying side-by-side, a side table separating them. A pink comforter lay on, what I am guessing, Lucy's bed, while a brown lay on moms. The walls were a soft gray, with only a large photo of a Victorian styled town between the beds. Two dressers adorned the wall opposite of each bed. Mom sat on her bed, while Lucy continued to unpack her item, not even glancing my way.

I sat down by mom, inhaling her comforting scent.

"Mom, I can't help but to be scared. I have such a bad feeling about all of this. I talked to Maria, she said she called you and begged you to come here for our safety. Is it really that serious?" I couldn't help but to ask. It was eating me to my core. I had to hear her say it. The person I trusted most in this world.

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