a u s t i n .

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i walked into the party and spotted bobbie right away. she looked amazing. her very black hair was out. she looked so pretty with that gray dress she had on. I realized she didn't have the necklace I gave her on. I walked over and took a seat next to her.

"you look amazing ." She blushed and sipped her drink.

"what made you wanna come here ?", she questioned.


i gave a simple response and smiled. she got up and reached her hand out to me. i took it without hesitation and followed her to the backyard.

we stood there in the breeze. quiet and peaceful.

"I can't keep that necklace Austin ." she sighed and handed me thenecklace I gave her. "I barely know you. I think we should take things slow. Get to know each other and about each other. " she smiled sadly.

"I'd love that. I get it completely, I just wanted to be nice. Here." I handed her the necklace back and she took it slowly.

"Thank you Austin ." she kissed my cheek and headed inside to the party. I decided I wanted to leave. So I did.

I walked home in the cool fall breeze. It felt so nice to just walk and think and cool down. The only thing I was thinking about was Bobbie. I craved her. Not in a weird way. She was just amazing. She had her own way of thinking, her own way of living. She was amazing. She's the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I'm gonna make her mine.

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