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Drink, drink, my little flower!

The blackened pigment of thine

Will wash away with a sign

But no aim to devour.

Drink, drink, my little flower!

Wipe your melonchony gaze

Off all your annual Mays,

And fill yourself with my power.

Drink, drink, my little flower!

Take a chance to go and dive.

You must know you will survive;

Wear pride tall as a tower.

Drink, drink, my little flower!

Don't think twice to show your flair.

Drown yourself, but take in air -

All revives with a shower.

You have drunk, little flower,

But you are no longer mine.

I hope your mind will aline.

You have your life to enshrine.

So live it out loud, flower.


If anyone got the idea, yes, I was thinking of this as how when people are upset, they drink a lot of alchohol. Definitely not trying to sell that (don't do it >_> ). Obviously the message is supposed to be for a person, not a plant, and the thought that being nourished can heal you...

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