7: Telling the Others

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I nervously walk to the great hall fot breakfast the day after Draco and I decided to officially start dating. I'm ready to tell my friends but I don't know if he wants me to tell them or not. As if he knows I'm thinking about him I hear him call my name from behind me.
I turn around to see Draco quickly walking towards me, as if he needs to tell me something important.
"What's up?" I ask as he reaches where I've been standing for the past minute.
"Have you told any of your friends about us yet?" Draco asks, concern and fear present in his tone and facial features.
"No, not yet. Why? Should I not tell them?" I ask, hoping that Draco will be okay with me just telling Ron, Hermione and Ginny that we're dating.
"No, uh, you can tell them. But just please make sure that they're the only ones who you tell. For now anyways." Draco pleads, desperation seeping through every word.
"I wasn't planning on telling anyone else always." I tell him what my plan was as I don't really trust anyone else in this school with any of my personal secrets, I didn't even do that in first year.
"Okay, good, thank you." Draco says before he lets out a sigh and runs a hand through his normally perfect hair, but now it's all free and framing his face, which doesn't look bad if I do say so myself. "Well, are you ready to go? To the great hall for breakfast I mean."
"Yeah, let's go." I answer with a simple nod and smile as I look up at him, as he is a couple inches taller then me.


"What happened? Did you guys make out? Have sex? Give me all of the details, now!" Ginny basically pounces on me as soon as I sit down at our table. "You guys walked here together and you both look happy. Something obviously happened."
"Would you calm down for a second so I can tell you what actually happened?" I ask, annoyed that she won't shut up so I can tell them what actually happened last night.
"Yep." Ginny chirps before she goes completely silent, looking at me expectantly.
"Okay, to start things off, no. We didn't have sex, we did kiss though. So, we talked and we decided that since we both like each other that we would just start dating. As there is no reason not to." I tell my friends about my current and changing love life situation.
"Oh, Harry! That's great, but is he okay with you telling people about the two of you? This is Draco we're talking about you know. He always manages to keep a few secrets." Hermione asks, seeming to care about Draco's opinion on whether or not we tell people that we're dating.
"He said he was okay with me justify telling you three and I don't care if he tells anyone." I answer with a shrug, not caring what other people think as long as both Draco and I are happy together.
"Is he planning on telling Blaise and Pansy that you guys are dating?" Hermione asks curiously, looking up from whatever book she's reading today.
"I didn't ask actually. Damn, I should have, shouldn't I?" I ask, realizing thatI never did end up asking if he was planning on telling his two closest friends about our relationship.
"Nice job mate." Ron speaks up for the first time in the conversation in a clearly sarcastic tone of voice. "Well as long as he doesn't hurt you we support you guys being together, even if it is a little weird."
"Thanks Ron, really. I should probably ask him if he's planning on telling Blaise and Pansy the next time I talk to him." I say, writing myself a mental note of what I should ask him the next time I talk to him in private.


"There's something I need to tell you guys." I say to Blaise and Pansy nervously, not knowing how they'll react to Harry and I dating.
"You seem nervous. What's wrong?" Pansy asks, seeming genuinely concerned about me.
"Yeah, is everything okay?" Blaise asks, seeming just as concerned as Pansy.
"Potter, I mean, Harry, and I are dating." I admit to them, looking down at the table nervously, hoping that they accept me and who I like in a romantic and sexual way.
"Finally! Oh my god, watching you eye fuck him during classes and meals started getting old years ago." Pansy says with a sigh of relief.
"Honestly though." Blaise agrees with a nod.
"What? I never did that." I protest but after the look they both give me I realize that they caught me red handed. "Okay, okay, was it really that noticable?"
"Yes." They both say in unison.

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