Dear Dungeon bat,

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Dear bat of the dungeons,

I wish you could have told us.

I wish I could have helped you, and tried to understand.

It makes so much more sense now.
It was you helping us. it could only have been you.

I watched you die, and did nothing.
Why didnt I help you. Why didnt I save you.
I stood behind the wall and listened to you drift away.

You looked at me that night. Like no one had ever looked at me. I wish I could have said something. I just walked out. We had to end it.. the war that is.

Its funny, I find myself missing those eyes. The "black ones" that i knew to really be the deepest drown. With every look You gave me I felt You reading my soul. You black robes and a thousand buttons. Your hair tied back.
It took you two strides to get to my desk from yours and less than that to call out my "mistakes" even if you were just trying to embarrass me.

When i heard your password during detention one night. I cashed in my Gryffindor courage and repeated it. I followed in after you. I found you passed out drunk a broken Bottle by the fire place. You woke up, but thought I was someone else.... guess who.... and that's when
I thought I saw it. A face that showed desperation . And a man that needed help.
I took you into your bed never telling you its was just me your  little Know-it-all.
I tucked you in brushed a way you soft as silk hair and kissed your head.
I realised then why my Amortentia was so familiar. It was you.  It had always been you ,And i left. You didnt remember anything  and at the time i was thanking God for that. But now....
Professor snape,.... Severus...

I miss you,

Dear Dungeon BatWhere stories live. Discover now