Part 5

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                 Mura Bellamy Solis

Species: Human
Sex/gender: female
Parents: Camille and Ash
Master of Form
Likes: her family,books,dancing,make up,jewelry,the color black and purple, boys,music(k-pop),art,fans,her powers
Dislikes:liars,spicy foods,bad fashion, secrets,evil people,Onna(especially hates her),scary movie,shoes
     Mura is a very calm and happy kind of girl she loves her older bro and her mother.Sometimes she use power to trick people or just gets what she wants.Mura enjoys have company and just talking she is a very close friend to Mizu.She afraid of getting hurt,she is very lazy because she dose nothing at home but dancing.
Sexuality: straight
Crush: maybe Junior

                 Travis Bellamy Solis

Species: Human
Sex/gender: male
Parents: Camille and Ash
Master of Smoke
Likes:His family and friends,magic tricks,fighting,being wicked,animals, fictional monster,fan fic,baby chicks, his naginata,sneaky
Dislikes:evil people,bad jokes,dirt,sins losing,deal with bad people,girls,bad fan fics,old time,disgusting things,love books,bad music
    Travis is a very unique kind of person,he most kind to his parents and sister.But other may say he's ironical,sarcastic,sardonic,and satirical.And he mostly takes his germophobia very seriously,and he and his are the only in there family that have weapons.He also has a lot of hentai book that he shares with Ruby.

                           Skales Jr.

Sex/gender: male
Parents: Skales and Selma
No element
Likes:his friends,sweets,anime,LGBTQ community,doing what he likes,Ruby, fighting,reading,drinking,protecting the humans,tv,games
Dislikes:being told what to do,Shiro, anything that is sexual,his father,Jay, evil people,animals,not being with Ruby,lovey dovey crap,work
    It is unknown of his original but Skales Jr is a very hot-tempered guy. His only friend is Ruby because she help him and been there for him,he can trust her with everything.Skales Jr is very quiet around people at time and he is the king of the serpentine tribes.He made an oath that he will love and care for Ruby and everything she cares about...

I thought it would be cool to add Skales Jr.because he seem he can be useful and will....why not...😳...                          

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