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You know that feeling of dread Sunday night before the weekend ends? Now imagine, that feeling times 10. That's how much I didn't want to go to school on this faithful Monday.
With on hand on the steering wheel and the other twirling my shoulder length brunette hair. I turn into the school parking lot, I found a spot near the back and pulled in. Flipping the visor down I gave myself a pep talk, "Okay, Alex deep breaths. You ruled this school before you can do it again." Well, Ava did actually. Tears suddenly threaten to spill in an attempt to gather myself I dab at my eyes and blow my nose on some McDonald's napkins. Finally, I get out of the car and head for the front office. While walking, I scan the fields of students milling around looking for a certain brown haired boy. Without luck, I picked my way to the office.
"What can I do for-" with wide eyes the plump lady behind the desk stared at me in shock before she half spoke half whispered "you?"
"I need my new schedule, I think it changed?"
"Yes, um, let me find it" Ms. Beatrice (according to her name tag) put some readers on and starts typing away.
"Ah, here we go, Alexia Anderson Junior, right?" I'm pretty sure , from her earlier reaction, she knows exactly who I am. But I not my head 'yes' conjuring up a smile as she prints and hands me my schedule.
"Thanks." I say
"My pleasure, Alex." She says with a soft smile
I stop the door from closing completely when I hear my name, "That was Alexia Anderson, why is she back so soon? After such a bad accident? After losing her best friend only 4 months ago? Then losing her mother to cancer only 3 months ago? She and that boy Kaiden have the worst of luck." I wipe the tears that have formed in my eyes and stand up to my full height which is only 5'4. And attempt my first day back at school in four months.

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