Chapter one

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I look out of the small moving truck window, palm trees, beaches, warm weather, no more long winters, crowded streets, loud noises, no more friends. Moving back to San Fransisco with my aunt and uncle isn't exactly what you would call, the highlight of summer 83', but I couldn't complain too much. I chewed at my nails, getting closer and closer to the home. We turned into the neighborhood, the bright sun gloomed down on the pedestrians.

We pulled into the driveway, my aunt out on the front porch, holding her baby, which is my baby cousin. I hoped out of the van, my ragged converse landed onto the Concrete, the warm air. I looked around and smiled.

"Minnie!" My aunt yelled, sitting the baby down, crushing my ribs in one of her hugs, I gasps and hugged back the best I could, she let go. "I'm sorry, it's just I've missed you!" She pinched my cheeks, oh lord.

"I've missed you too, aunt mell" I smiled, my brother Samuel slammed the driver side door, he was always the highlight of everyone's lives, especially our family. He had a scholarship at Stanford, , he was one of the best baseball players at his old Highschool, hes always been the favorite out of us two Andersons.

My aunt and uncle were too focused on him, I went ahead and started unloading my things from the truck.

"Minnie Anderson!" I heard, not just any voice holler from across the road, it was her, my absolute favorite friend I've ever had, Vienna Balajadia. I whipped around, Vienna was on her roof? I still ran over to her side of the street.

"Vienna what are you doing up there?!" I laughed. She hopped down onto the big garbage can, and onto the grass. She ran over to me and  She embraced me in a hug, i hugged her back, we were both jumping like loons, I haven't been this happy to see anyone in a while.

"You know, I got bored" she laughed, "but- Oh my god look at you!" She said.

"Look at you!" I said, she was taller, hair was longer, and looked a lot more older since the last time I saw her a few years ago. We hugged again, letting our excitement take the best of us. When we were calmed down, and able to talk in normal voices, I knew moving back isn't so bad.

"I'm staying here" I explained her the whole story of how our parents thought it'd be best for Samuel to be close to collage, and for me to just help my aunt and uncle, I don't even know the real reason I was sent here, all I know is my parents made me.

"That's great, oh you're gonna love it here!" She said, "we have so much catching up to do" she smiled.

"You bet, hey you still have that gap!" I laughed and pointed at her mouth, it always bugged her whenever I pointed it out, it was okay for me to, since this has been going on since it was noticeable.

"Shut up, you haven't grown since you were 9" she shot back.

"Actually I've grown two inches, thank you" I said. We both giggled and I looked behind her, a dude in her driveway looking at us. He was cleaning a old Cadillac, it was a convertible, which was sweet, he was tall, lean, tan with dark hair.

"You got a new brother?" I asked her with a slight giggle, she shook her head.

"No, that's Rio" she smiled, motioning back at him to come over. I nodded, I never met this dude, I know for sure.

He walked over to us, his noticeable scar diagonal on his nose was the first thing I noticed, he cracked a smile, a deep dimple on his cheek appeared, he was missing a tooth, maybe this dudes tough.

"Who's ya friend, Vein?" He said, stuffing his rag into his front jeans pocket.

"Baby, this is Minnie, I've told you about her, remember?" She said, looking up at him, a hand on my shoulder.

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