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This is how I image my characters but you are welcome to fantasize on how you want them to look! Be you and be creative! (:

Taylor Hill as Aria Daughter Of Unknown

Taylor Hill as Aria Daughter Of Unknown

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Riccardo Mora as Jack Son Of Poseidon

Lucky Blue Smith as Luke Son Of Zeus

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Lucky Blue Smith as Luke Son Of Zeus

Fransisco Lachowski as Ezra Son Of Hades

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Fransisco Lachowski as Ezra Son Of Hades

Fransisco Lachowski as Ezra Son Of Hades

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MY STORY WILL NOT EVER BE COPIED! This is my story and I will not let my ideas and hard work be copied or changed in any way.

If anyone would like to make cover art please let me know! I will be very pleased and will pick someone's to be the books cover! (:

I will update my story every other week depending on how many reads I receive. I don't want to write anything no one wants to read.

I hope everyone enjoys my story that will be filled with mysteries and adventures. I love my readers and if you are reading this you are amazing so keep reading! (:

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