Chapter 1

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"Ariana is graduating at the end of May then she attends on planning Yale," my mother tells her friend as she pushes on my back to straighten my posture. I gaze out the window and watch snowflakes fly past the window of our penthouse. Our place in the upper east side has a perfect view of New York. I learned this very early in my life when I sat by the window as my nanny braided my hair in thousands of different ways. I lost time as I sat there watching the cars roll by, wondering when my mom would return home.

"Ariana, dear, she just asked you a question," my mother scolds me in a low voice.

"Can you repeat that please?" I ask as I direct my gaze back to her friend. She widens her eyes a bit at my mother then looks at me.

"I was wondering what you were majoring in. You know, my son received a degree in business and now he is crawling his way up to being the CEO of an engineering company. He just thrives. He makes me so proud." She smiles tightly as she lifts her china cup of orange juice to her mouth.

"I'm not sure yet. I haven't really found anything that I've excelled in particularly." I take a bite out of a strawberry as my mother gives me an appalled expression. Her expression lasts for a split second before she returns to trying to make me look better than I actually am.

"She's just being humble," my mother lets out a fake laugh as she puts a hand on my back. "You know, she is great with numbers. I'm certain that she could go far in finance.

Yet again, my mother has covered up my talent of playing piano, as she has done since I started playing when I was five years old. Not only has she hidden that talent, but she has also hidden my talents of dancing and singing. She frowns upon them and believes that I should do something more prestigious for a living. She has no idea how ignorant she is being.

"Well isn't that nice," her friend gives another smile as she sets her cup down.

"Yeah. It was nice meeting you, but I'm going to be late for school. I need to go." I stand up and cross my Chanel bag over my shoulder. "Goodbye mother." I kiss her on the cheek and walk to the elevator.

When I get to the ground floor, the doorman holds the door open and I look down shyly as I make my way to the car.

"Take me to school, please," I tell my driver as I get into the back seat. I pull a compact mirror out of my purse and observe my thin eyelashes then check my light curls to see if they are still in place.

I feel my phone vibrate and I pull it out to see a text from Nathan that reads: "Good morning beautiful. Can't wait to see you at school x". I let out a sigh and ignore the text. I will just wait to respond when I actually see him in person.

I adjust my beanie as the driver pulls up to the front of the school. "Thank you, Franz," I tell him as he opens the door for me. Nathan is waiting patiently for me right by the steps. He runs towards me but I keep my usual slow place.

"Darling, I don't understand how you don't break your ankles in those heels," he says as he wraps his arms around me and leans down for a kiss. I laugh and keep a smile as he gives me his usual good morning kiss.

"I'm used to it. Remember, growing up on the upper east side?" I respond with a playful smile on my face.

"Ah, how could I forget." He laughs as he wraps his arm around my waist. "So I was thinking," he begins as we walk up the steps to the front doors, "this weekend we could take a trip to Boston and check it out."

"Your parents actually have time to do something other than business?"

"No, Ari. I meant just the two of us. I think we're mature enough to handle a trip on our own, don't you think?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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