Chapter 5

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I crash to the ground with Lotan's arms around my head, shielding me from harm. But I can hear it. I can't escape the sound of it. There is a bang that echoes around the chamber walls, a bang so loud and heart-pounding that it's uncertain what kind of device has been set off. The noise creates a buzzing in my eardrum, it is now the only sound that can be heard.

For a few seconds, the floor is the only safety net. Being in Lotan's arms, folding to his experienced survival instincts, it gives me the hope that things aren't as bad as they seem. 

And then reality comes crashing back. 

I take hollow breaths as Lotan moves his arm, and I peer up to see Jake pacing back and forth in front of the benches.

"What do you want!" he screams. "What do you want from us!"

My eyes scan across the benches, meeting the still and expressionless faces in return. I see Rachael hugging Louis close to her, he's still alive. I push myself backwards as I stare across the room towards Amy's lifeless body which is surrounded by a pool of blood--half of her brains scattered across the floor.

I turn around so I'm on my knees, and I hold my mouth as bile begins to rise up my throat. The room is filled with terror, cries and cold silence; but I'm the only one reacting as though what I've just seen cannot be stomached. 

They're all scared for their own lives. Not their loved ones. None of us want to die like that, they'd rather be branded selfish. 

Lotan pats me on the back. "It's okay if you need to throw up."

"I'm okay," I lie, turning back around with a deep breath. 

"Dad, will you just sit down!" Travis yells to Jake. "They're not going to answer you."

"What happens now?" Lily says from the floor in front of the cubes. The sisters are still sat there, not daring to move. 

No one answers her.

"They're going to make it so that two of us die in each round," Lotan whispers. "It's an elimination game."

"We're not getting out of here alive, are we?" 

"Look at me," he says. I drag my eyes to meet his. "I'm going to get us out of here, okay? I promise."

"Don't," I mutter. "This isn't a promise about showing up for a meal or remembering to go to the supermarket, Lotan. If we remain as watchers we might stand a chance, but sooner or later we're going to have to be players and I can't. . . I can't kill someone." 

"It depends who else is playing with us," he whispers. 

"This is easy for you," I say. "You're used to killing people."

"Where did that come from?" 

I rub my temple, sighing. "I'm sorry."

"So, because I'm a marine I'm a cold-blooded killer? Is that what you're saying? Is that what you think of me?"

"Just drop it, please. I'm sorry. Of course it's not. I'm just confused right now."


"The first round is over," the voice says as it returns. "Amy has chosen to sacrifice her life, congratulations to Louis, you are safe until the final round. The second round is about to begin, and the stakes are getting higher. Who will be a player? Who will be a watcher? Who will be made loveless? You're about to find out."

The far wall starts to slide open, revealing another gap for a person to fit through. We all just stare at it, bearing no energy to move, which angers the voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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