Part Two: The Start

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10 Months Prior To Present Day ...

Zara Turner

There were so many things wrong with today. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of bed but I was definitely in a shitty mood.  Everything I had tried to accomplish was a fail.

Tried to do homework? Got distracted by tv.

Tried to eat some lunch? Fridge empty as hell.

Tried to hit up my friends? They're all dead. Well at least they were acting like it. I don't know why I tried. They were basically on campus friends because off campus I would never really chill with them anyway.

Of course, since I could find nothing productive to do with my Tuesday, my grandparents decided that pulling a shift to help out in their store was the way to go. So here I was, in the run down corner store sitting at the counter damn near wishing somebody would walk through the doors. It wasn't a busy place on weekday nights besides the dope boys that hung outside and occasionally came inside to buy something small like a drink or a Black & Mild.

I was scrolling down my twitter feed when a hand swooped in front of me, snatching my phone right out of my hands. "What did I tell you about not paying attention when you working?" my grandma fussed while sliding my phone into her apron pocket.

I let out a groan. "Nobody is even here."

"And the moment somebody walks in, you wont even notice cause your face too deep in your phone" she scolded and kissed her teeth before going back over to the deli area.

I frowned and leaned on the counter with my chin resting in the palms of my hands. I thought about the numerous assignments I had due for Biology class. I had been slacking a bit recently.

Bored with my thoughts, my eyes started to lower and before I knew it, I was drifting off.

The sound of the doorbell made my head snap up and I gave whoever had walked in a lazy greeting. "Hello, welcome" I mumbled as my eyes readjusted to the light.

The guy that walked in just ignored me and kept walking. I couldn't really see his face but I could see that he was tall and lightskinned.  He had a curly fade with an all black fit on.

I seen the top of his head as he roamed different aisles before heading to the deli area. I was confused at how he did all that rustling in the shelves and came up empty handed.

I watched as he ordered a sandwich with my grandpa, got his receipt, and headed over to me at the register. I knew it was probably creepy but I couldn't help but watch him with every step he took towards me. There wasn't shit else to do anyway.

"Hi" I said to him as he handed me the receipt. His eyes landed on me for the first time since he walked in. He was covered in tattoos and also had his nose pierced on both sides and gauges.

"Wassup, lemme get two grape swishers" he said. His voice was low and he was kind of slurring so I barely heard him but I made out what he was saying.

I nodded and reached behind me for what he asked for, handing it to him. I then rang up everything. "Its 13.48. You get the soda over there" I said in reference to the free drink that comes with the sandwich he ordered.

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