PROLOGUE - the arrival

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The airport was crowded.

The gates were packed with people, suitcases and whatnot, all scrambling to get to their designed exits and destinations. Amongst them stood a black haired girl, looking around to spot her location.

She was lost. Tokyo's airport was definitely big, bigger than Narukami's, that's for sure.

She spent the last three hours in a plane, admiring the view of the fluffy clouds in the sky and sketching different anime characters and scenarios while blasting music in her earbuds, groaning once in a while when she remembered she had to take another two hour trip, by bus, to her destination.


Finally, she could be free! Don't be mistaken, Yua absolutely loves her little isolated hometown in Narukami Island, and she does love the friends she made there, but what absolutely ruined it for her was, of course,

Her mother.

Shivers went down Yua's body just at the mention of that awful woman, and she shook her head, her midnight black locks bouncing in the process.

Ah, just forget her! Move on with your life with dad, and it'll all be okay.

She buried herself in her thoughts, walking towards a cute little cafeteria on her way to the bus station. The short girl stopped and grabbed an iced milk tea, letting out a pleased sigh at the sweetness from the mix of vanilla syrup and chai.

Someone cleared their throat behind her, making the girl let out an annoyed sigh and turn around. What a way to ruin her moment with the current love of her life.

A woman with beautiful silver eyes and blond hair gave her a glare. "Yua, if we stop here we're going to be late."

Her daughter shot back with the same glare; "You're saying that because you have business here. You're the late one, not me."

The woman clicked her tongue. "This kind of attitude is why your father chose your brother to live with him instead."

The girl rolled her eyes. "But he still fought you in court for my guard, right? He wants me back with him. That's the difference between me and you."

Yua just kept walking, lazily waving to her mother over her shoulder as her busy hand pushed her suitcase around. The woman yelled at her, but she just pointed to her earbuds and shrugged.

Phew, she thought, what a nightmare. Man, I do hope all my clothes arrived at dad's already. Did my books get there too?

The teenage girl continued chatting with herself all the way to the boarding terminal, the large gates looming over her figure.

Dude, I'll be so pissed if my stuff is missing when I get home- ah, it's here!

She opened her backpack, hurriedly shuffling around her bag to find her boarding pass. She finally managed to do so, taking another sip of her milk tea.

Yua's bright silver eyes squinted in concentration.

"Okay, gate number 19, bus leaves at 14:45...and now it isssssss-" She checked her watch. "14:40...wait, 14:40?!?!"

Her orbs roamed around the terminal in a hurry, finding that she was still in: "GATE 1?!!!"

In her 15 years of life, she had never run so fast.

‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿

In her 15 years of life, she should have known that her dad would be late.

Now, it's not her fault she is standing in the rain outside of the bus terminal (the Karakura terminal is so small and deserted that they must have figured no one would be coming here so often and therefore, gotten rid of the covers that shielded you from the rain outside.), but come on! Ever since she was little, her dad had always been late to everything! Her volleyball games, dance recitals, heck, her brother's middle school graduation! What was she even expecting from the old man?

"Yua! Yua, my darling!"

Ah, never mind. He's here.

Black hair that begun to grow slightly gray along with a pair of emerald eyes faded into her view as she was embraced in a warm hug, contrasting so much with the coldness of the rain seeping into her clothes and making her have chills.

Yua hugged back instantly, burying her face on the man's shoulder and smelling his perfume through his fluffy jacket. Nostalgia hit her like a brick to the head, the smell of mahogany and mint so familiar, so comforting.

This was the man who gave her life. This was the man who was with her every step of the way up until her parents' divorce three years ago. The man who came to her first volleyball game, who witnessed her first of many gold metals. The man who left Karakura every January just to see her in Narukami, sacrificing his own mental health (aka seeing his ex-wife) over precious time with his daughter.

In his arms she felt safe. In his arms, she was, finally, home.

"Let's get you home, little butterfly."

As he escorted her away, the wind gently blew a piece of paper towards the train station. The card occupied the place where she once was standing, drenched in the rain. Its vibrant colors stood out against the monotone grey of the pavement, the silhouette of a girl shining in the droplets.


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