Jed: A Choice (Divergent AU)

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Okay. For the sake of this fanfiction. I'm making Jed Divergent. Don't question me children. Anyway, warning, Extreme OC-ness. Oh, and this is set before Tris and the war. 

Another warning. This is basically full on uninteresting crap and I'm sorry. But I had no idea what to do. So. 

**Disclaimer: I don't own Lex, Asterisk or Leon. They are proudly owned by another awesomer person. Neither do I own the Divergent world. Veronica Roth owns it.

In the POV of Jed, first person.


 I had walked up over twenty flights of stairs to get here, and my legs felt a little bit like jelly. We were lined up in alphabetical order, I was beside my twin, Brittany. On the other side of me was a boy called Joshua Mason. He was a Erudite, judging from the huge glasses and blue pressed pants. 

The Choosing Ceremony had to be one of the biggest events for the factions. Hosted by a different faction each year. This year, it happened to be Abnegation again. My faction. 

The Choosing Ceremony was as it was usually, filled with useless talking and rubbish. I never listened to it, even when my older sister, Rachel, had to chose her faction. But I didn't really have a choice now, I had to listen a little. 

In front of me, were five large bowls. All of the bowls had something different in the bottom. They had gray stone, water, earth, lit coals and glass in them. Each one was going to have blood of many different children pooled up in the center by the time the Choosing Ceremony was over. Families were murmuring quietly to themselves. They were probably hoping that their sixteen year old child/ren wouldn't abandon them.

But it was faction before blood in this world.

Now, if you didn't know, there were five factions. Abnegation-- Of course--, Amity, Candor, Erudite and Dauntless. 

Abnegation was the faction of the selfless. They stuck to the colour grey and any other colour was practically frowned upon. The men wore their hair short, and the girls wore theirs up. In a bun perhaps.

The Abnegation didn't believe in being selfish. They believed that you shouldn't do anything for self indulgence. Hence the reason why we couldn't look in mirrors unless we were getting our hair cut or so forth. We didn't speak very often and we rarely touched at all. 

We were the grey stones.

The Amity was the faction of peace. Definitely not my favourite faction. I didn't like their colours. Red and yellow. After living in a world of grey dullness your whole life, bright colours were a hard thing to deal with. The Amity hug each other in greeting, which is another hard thing to deal with after living in Abnegation.

Apart from their all round calmness, I didn't really know much about them.

They were the earth.

Candor, was the faction of honesty. They wore black and white, not such a hard thing on the eyes. They believe that the truth is black and white, therefore those are their colours. But I hated them. They were rude and stuck up half the time, and they weren't afraid to talk their mind about you. They believe that politeness is "deception in pretty packaging". I didn't know if it could hurt to be occasionally dishonest, therefore I knew that Candor was well and truly out for the count as a transfer option.

They were the glass.

Erudite. The intelligent. Their colour was blue. They claim that blue is a "calming color that helps stimulate the brain". They wore glasses, even if their vision was perfect. I found the gesture stupid, in my opinion. Why wear annoying pieces of glass over your eyes when you don't need to? I didn't understand.

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