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So I saw the GOAT vs GWS race and it was amazing even with the results!

3:15 pm


So at the meet a parent timer told me good luck and to kick hard before my fly event which was second. Right after I was ushered to go wait for the next event of IM. We waited and the same timer was there. While I was racing he was telling his young daughter about the beneficial things I did through my race in different strokes. Things like "See how she positioned her hands." or "Look how it's timed and when she kicked." This meant the world to me. I was a role model and I didn't do anything spectacular I just swam. This guy made me smile, he was super nice and thoughtful. After the race a girl who came third got the same time as me. Why, because her timer 'forgot' to press the start button. Like that's all her job is. How on Earth could she forget?!? She asked my timer for the time and he told her that it was wrong and left. So instead she asked the guy writing down my time on the ribbon. I worked so damn hard for that time. Hours in the pool! Muscles burning, sweat dripping, dehydration, all down the drain because someone didn't remember to press start.

4:22 pm

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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