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Daphnie picked up the crying babies in her arms, both with ocean blue eyes yet one with hair of flames and the other with midnight lockes. Daphnie Wore a dress of sun light, flowing down so far you can't see her feet. Her hair was shone like the sun and she had streems of golden ribbon flowing from her wrists, 3 fearther like pieces flew from her waist and a golden mask framed her features.

"Hush now, little ones, It'll be alright. Now shhhh or they will find us!" She cooed to the babies as she fled with them into the castle. Walls crubled and the ground shook, as nothing but screams of terror and agony could be heard in the distance. The witches were destroying the planet of sparks and nothing could be done. Battle cries could be heard =, of warriors giving there all to save sparks but it was not enough.

Daphne raced through through the halls atempting to avoid the ansestresses, aswell as trying to hush the babies before they got caught. The witches were soon chaising them through the deserted, yet chaotic castle. She ghsped in fear as the kids brgan to cry.

"shhh. shhhhh. It's ok, little one." She cooed.

Daphne hid around a corner as the witches continued on, while the babies giggled, waving her hand to open a portal, daphne calmed the children. Within the portel you could see, earth.

"Little ones, i send you to a palce you can grow up strong and happy, this is the last place anyone would look for a magical being."

With that she sent the children through the portle to there new homes, and just after the witches over powered the nymph bringing her to he knees. Before she fell she used her last remaining magic to repell the witches long enough to close the portle.

"The dragon fire and water drangon or the dragon flame!" She yelled

Meanwhile the first baby ended up in a burning building in a small town called Gardania, raised by Mike and Vanessa. Her name was bloom.

While the second was raised by Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng in the city of Paris. Her name was Mirnette.

Bloom lived a normal life whille her father was a fierfighter and mother a florest. While Mari's parents were backers she had another secret, she had a double life. The life of a super hero called ladybug.

And both girls knew not of there heratige nor of there powers or relation.

The lost princess of sparksWhere stories live. Discover now