Police Investigation(part 2)

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I was walking to school when I saw a murder scene witched looked disgusting. I couldn't recognize the person because her face was bashed in. I continued to walk to school thinking 'Who could have done that' but I shrugged it off


 That THING made me kill Sara and it was telling me how good of a job I did. 

Y/N:"Stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it"

IT:"Hahaha such a IDIOT"

this THING is awful but I was in school. So the THING had to be silent so I could concentrate on my school work.....until the police walked into the school and Jack pulled out a knife to attack a officer but he got arrested for the murder. The policed question us to make sure they got the right person and Jacob (Sara's boyfriend) was crying liKe A BabY......wait I never said that. And that THING started messing with me again but I ignored it. I felt like I was a god but that just what IT wants me to feel that. I can't believe that it might make me kill Frisk.


I felt awful like I was a walking corpse that can't feel for people. But I faked all emotions around people and my family. I don't know what happened but my left eye is missing but i can see out of it but I only see the red figures where people are and feel hungry. I fear what that mon-No that THING did to me.

A/N so what do you think.

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