Dreams Come True

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AN- Sorry I didn't post twice yesterday. I got caught up in doing other things. Anyway, here's an update and a hot gif of Tony
(ps, I did write the song in this so no stealing it)

5 years later

Claire's POV

"WHATS UP MARYLAND?!" Izzy screamed into the mic and the crowd went wild before taking a minute to calm down. "You know me, I'm Izzy..." They went crazy again. "That idiot over there is Dustin." Dustin played a few stings on his guitar and the girls screamed and whistled. "And let's not forget Claire on the drums!" I slammed down my drumsticks onto the drums and the fans screamed.

Its been a little over 5 years since we started our band and ever since then our lives have changed for the best. We have made a lot of songs and played a lot of shows. We only have one album though, but the second one is in progress. We called the album I'd Rather Say Goodbye. All the songs on it are about either how much pain we've all went through or how learning to trusting someone is harder than just leaving. We went on tour a couple of times and they were great. Today we're just playing a show with a bunch of other not too popular bands.

I wasn't really paying attention to what Izzy was saying because I was still in awe at the place we were in. This was one of our sold out shows and it still amazed me how we got this far. I had a smile on my face the entire time though.

"Well lets get this thing started!" Izzy screamed into the mic and Dustin started playing the beginning to our song Bulletproof Not Love Proof. I took a deep breath and started playing when I knew to start. Soon Izzy started singing.

I've taken hits
I've taken pain
But after meeting you
You're all to blame
All to blame for the late night cries
The waking up and not alright
For the throwing myself off this roof
And landing in a pile of you

Now I put on this bulletproof jacket
Because your bullets chase after me
I can't stand to live this way
Dreaming off your love from yesterday
'Cause I can take your hits
I can take your kicks
But I can't take the words that fall from your lips
Because I'm Bulletproof not Love Proof

Izzy finishes the song a couple minutes later and the crowd cheers. That was one of our most popular songs. I don't exactly know why. Maybe because of the lyrics. Maybe the way Izzy sings them. Maybe how Dustin plays the guitar perfectly to it. Hell, maybe how I play the beat to it. I don't know.

After a couple hours, we finish up the concert and thank our fans for coming. We all say goodbye to the crowd, including us all dancing for no reason, then head off the stage.

When we get backstage, Izzy throws herself onto a couch. "I. Need. Sleep." She says tiredly while closing her eyes. "Same." Dustin and I say at the same time. Izzy just giggles. Dustin grabs a water bottle and sits down in the chair near by and I sit on the floor. "Toss me one." I say to Dustin and he rolls his eyes. He gets up and grabs a water bottle before throwing it at me. We all just sit in silence for a few minutes.

Suddenly a man comes into the room with our manager. "Hey guys! Great show tonight!" Clint, our manager, says to all of us. We all barely mumble a "thanks" and he nods. "This is Fred, he wants to talk to you guys about something huge." The three of us perk up. Clint is almost never this happy.

"Hey, everyone. It was recently requested by your manager and a lot of your fans than I come and talk with you today." Fred said and by the time he was finished, I had stood up and was leaning against the wall. I really wanted to know who this guy was and why he was here. The anticipation was killing me.

"I know that you all probably don't know who I am." We all nodded because none of us knew who he was. "Lets just say that I was told to check out you guys music and I did. And I absolutely loved it. I listened to your album and some of your other songs and I can definitely say you guys blew me away." Izzy sat up and we were all staring at him with anticipation. We didn't know who he was but he seemed important and if someone important likes our music... That's terrific.

"Sorry, I'm rambling." Fred chuckled. I glanced at my other band members and they did the same to me. We could all tell that he was trying to drag out whatever he was saying. He obviously wanted to bring suspense into this conversation. "What I'm trying to say is, I work for The Vans Warped Tour and I'm one of the people who choose the bands to play." We all gasped while Clint just stood there with the biggest smile on his face. "And I'd like to know if Hell On Hello wanted to go on tour in three months." That's when I dropped my water bottle.

3 months later

"Hurry up, Claire! We're going to be late!" Dustin called from outside. I grabbed my last bag and walked outside as well, jumping into the tour bus. I still couldn't get over how big the bus was. Izzy was already packing her things into the right places and Dustin stepped inside. "I can't believe we're going on Warped Tour." He said from behind me. "I know. I wonder what other bands are going to be there." I say as I put down the things I had and started putting them away. I went for one of the top bunks and instantly claimed it as mine.

"I heard All Time Low was going to be there!" Izzy screamed and jumped up and down. She's a huge All Time Low fan and knew just about everything about them. I was a good fan too, but not as big as she was. I actually found it funny how crazed she was about them.

Dustin chuckled. He only knew a couple of their songs. He was more of an Of Mice & Men fan. "Don't laugh at her. She's just excited. Even though it is kinda weird to go that crazy over a band." I told Dustin with a smile. He raised one of his eyebrows at me. "What?" I asked. "Sleeping With Sirens is going to be there."

My eyes went wide and my mouth popped. "Oh my god! Are you serious?! Sleeping With Sirens is going to be on tour with us?! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! I might die! What if we meet them?! Do you think Kellin would like us? What if they don't like our music?!" I squeal and then turn to Dustin who has a smug look on his face. "Who's the fangirl now?" I blushed and pushed him playfully. "Shut up."

Suddenly the bus starts moving and I know that we are finally on our way to Warped Tour. I still couldn't believe it. I might look calm on the outside, but I'm basically freaking out on the inside. We are going to Warped Tour and some of my favorite bands are going to be there. This thought flooded my mind over and over again.

Izzy came into the lounge that me and Dustin were sitting in. She sat down next to me and we all talked about random things for a couple hours. Then we put on the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas and watched it. I fell asleep about half way through it. Not because I didn't want to watch it, but because I was super tired.

I woke up the sound of the bus coming to a stop. I flutter my eyes open and notice that I'm in my bunk. "What the hell?" I climb down after giving myself a minute to wake up. I walk over to the lounge and see Dustin and Izzy talking. Izzy looks up and sees me. "Hey, sleepy head. Have a good nap?" She teased and I rolled my eyes. "Actually I did. And how did I get in my bunk?" I asked as I picked up the hair brush on the table and brushed my hair.

"I put you up there when you fell asleep..." Dustin stopped talking for a second. "I think we're here." We all smiled and ran to the door. We all pushed on it but Izzy was the first one out, followed by Dustin, and lastly me. We all look around and Izzy gasped when she sees the All Time Low tour bus. My sister jumps on Dustin's back and squeals. "They're here!" I laugh loudly but then turn away to look at the other buses. My eyes land on one and I read the band name painted on the side of the bus.

Pierce The Veil

Ohhhhhh Cliffhanger! I'm sorry if this chapter is kinda bad but I hope it's good enough.

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