Dancing on my own

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This story follows the song dancing in my own by Calvin Scott the video is attached at the end.

Through hermiones eyes..
She sat at a table in the back corner unnoticed. That's what he would have done. She watched as the crowds of people dance and laughed. Then She saw him. She knew she would. The girl attached to his arm would have begged him to bring her, and he would given in just to make her stop whining, or that's what he said he did when it was her doing it.
She had to admit, The witch was pretty, but wore a blue dress....
He  hated blue.

The man, in his beautiful black suit and perfectly pressed dress robes, with a thousand buttons, guided her around the dance floor like perfection

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The man, in his beautiful black suit and perfectly pressed dress robes, with a thousand buttons, guided her around the dance floor like perfection. She however stepped on his feet... twice, and he was getting annoyed,
Hermione could tell.

Hermione wore his favorite dress. Simple, black, not too revealing but he could show her off in it, and she had loved ever minute of that.

 Simple, black, not too revealing but he could show her off in it, and she had loved ever minute of that

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She didnt come with anyone on purpose. she wanted him to see her alone wearing the dress he loved so much. It had been months.
She had decided It was time to go. Time to go find away to be In front of him. Make him see her.

She looked around for a way to do this then looked back.....her jaw dropped.
in public!!
He never did that, he hated it. He would hold her hand or the small of her back, but a kiss!!!!!! Never.

She held back the tears, and walked to the table of drink. That would put her right in front of him.

The woman saw her, but he never even glanced at her. Why was he being this way. She wanted to scream out. Get his attention, push the other woman out of the way.
Kiss him herself.

An hour later they were seated,and Hermione was gone.
Well she was still at the party, but the drinks had crept up on her quickly.
She was back in the corner, tears pouring down as ginny tried to console her.

"Why can't he see me? I'm a young witch...i gave him everything, but he won't even look my way."

Ginny looked over her shoulder,
"Look theyre leaving. Calm down and come dance with me."

"No im going home."
And with a pop she was gone.....

Through severus's eyes

He stepped in to the room With a witch on his arm. Looked around and immedently frowned. Not two seconds and he picked the girl out of the crowd.

"You would think she picked that table on purpose. Knowing I would try to seek it out for myself." He thought.

The witch on his arm removed her coat and gave it to the door man.

And again to himself:
"Ugh that dress is horrid."

"Oh sevy can we dance!?!?!"
She screeched

"Dont call me that witch."


He led her to the floor.
After a while he saw hermione heading towards them most likly get a refreshment.  He turned them away as soon as he saw her beautiful form in that dresss.
At that moment the girl who kept stepping  on his feet shoved her mouth to his. Her arms around his neck keeping him from moving. He was disgusted. Not wanting to make too big of a scene he grunted in her ear,

"What the hell do you think you are doing!? Keep your disgusting lips off of me. That's not what I'm paying you for."

The witch looked at him and smiled. "I should get something out of this; besides ive watched you watch her all night."
An hour later he had had enough and made his way home.

His plan didnt work.
she didn't come to him.

He was hoping  at least she would have given him the cold shoulder, but

she seemed to not see him at all.

"What have I done"
Now that, he said aloud.

And with a pop he was gone.

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