Fights and mistakes

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"Hey Luna I'm home... Did Hunter bother you to much" when the door swings open
"Oh looks like you two got along great I thought you where my best friend get out my house. Get the fuck off my sister" he pulls Hunter off and throws him on the floor and punches the fuck out of his face
" Jordan stop..,Please get off him... stop Jordan...Jordan" I start to cry
He get off
"Get the fuck out... Luna are that utterly stupid I thought you where smarter.... Let me spell this out to you... He only wants to fuck you and dump you that's his motto has a list of hot girls To fuck and dump and I guess you where on it. Fuck I thought you where smarter than this but I guess not"
"No it's different than that he like s me... Right" she turn her head towards Hunter "right I wasn't just someone girl on your list" Hunter turns his head and looks at the ground
"Get out" I throw my stuffed animals at I'm
"I hate you Hunter O'brian I hate you" Hunter slowly walks out
Jordan walks closer
"Get out you ass hole I don't want to see you your supposed to be a good big brother I just got hurt and you made it worse get the fuck out" I throw stuffed animals at him to he walks out looking the ground and shuts the door behind him
" I sit in my bed holding my knees crying my eyes out blasting loud sad music
"Why me why" I cry
"I thought he liked me"
My seven year old brother walks in
"What's wrong sissy"
"Nothing Tyler it's nothing"
"Jordan wanted me to say he's sorry for being a horrible big brother"
"Yeah he should be he's the worst"
Tyler climbs in bed
"What are you doing ty"
"You need ty cuddle" start to cry more
"I thought he liked me as much as I liked him" I hug ty closer
" if you want to leave you can tell mom I'm not hungry I just need some alone time" Tyler walks out and Jordan busts in
"Get out I don't want you in here I hate you I hate you so much" Jordan climbs in behind me and hugs me tight I turn toward him
"Punch me hit cry your heart out tell me how much you hate me because Luna I love you. Seeing you with him hurt me because I knew he was taking advantage of you I wasn't mad at you I was mad at my self because Luna I'm your big brother I knew he was gonna do that and I'm supposed to protect you that was my job when dad died was to take care of you mom and ty and I.. I was not paying attention to Hunter I thought that he wouldn't do this to you but in the back of my head I knew he would... I'm so sorry"
I hug him tighter
" it hurts jay I've liked him for so long and when he kissed me for a second I thought he liked me to"
" I know sis"
" dad would have been so proud of you Jordan he was so proud of all of us... Jay I miss him so much"
"Me to sis I want him back to"

Hunters pov
As I walk out I hear her cry it pains me to hear her so upset with out being able to help by picking her up getting Nutella and to kiss her better... The worst part is knowing I'm the reason for all her pain I hurt her just like I do with all the girls I like that's why I shut out my emotions. I turn my heartless fuckboys act on so I don't feel those stupid ass emotions. I walk out the door I turn and look at the couch that I placed her on when Jordan hit her head. The same couch I found out I had a crush on her in the 4th grade
It feels weird not yelling goodbye to Luna and Jordan from this door
What did I do why do I fuck everything up I walk to my car and I can still hear her cry I punch the steering wheel
" I'm sorry Luna" I get home and pull out my phone"
To 🌑😍luna😍🌑
Hey Luna I'm sorry
No response
To 🌑😍Luna😍🌑
I understand why your not responding to me I'm really sorry
No response
To 🌑😍Luna 😍🌑
I'm so so so sorry Luna
No response
To 😈jay😈
Hey jay I'm sorry tell Luna I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt her or you I just want to apologize for being a asshole
No response
I fucked up

Luna's pov
I decided to turn my phone off for a week I don't need any more drama
When my mom knocks on my door
" hey mi hija I know your hurt but where having guests over for dinner and it might help keep your mind off it"
"Yeah ok"
I go down stairs and eat dinner
"Hi I'm Luna I say to there daughter and son"
And I sit there and eat dinner and have small conversation with them then we eat Dessert an then sit on the couch eating popcorn and watching a movie when I turn on my phone with like 20 texts from Hunter saying sorry and I text him
To 🎯😍Hunter🎯😍
Please don't text me you really hurt me Hunter I really liked you from the 3rd grade you asked me who my crush was and you got it out of me it was Hunter fucking O'brian but you hurt me Hunter it would take a lot of time for me to feel as strongly as I did for you
-bye Hunter have a good life
Hunters pov
I open my phone from a text message from Jordan and Luna I read Luna's text and I shed a tear
"No no she can't shut me out she can't leave me no no"
To 🌑😍Luna😍🌑
Luna I'm sorry I'll make it up for you don't hate me to much I liked you to in the forth grade please babygirl don't be to mad at me I'm really sorry yes you where on my list but you... You where different.

From Luna to you
Hunter I'm not sure I can forgive you thanks for saying I was different but I wasn't I was someone you wanted to fuck and dump and your only sending that as a away to make me not as mad and for Jordan to forgive you but Hunter don't lie to make me feel better but thanks but don't text me. 😔😔
What did I do.....

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