frostpudding birthday one-shot

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Tom's POV

After my birthday party at Benedict Cumberbatch's house, I was a bit tired. Polishing mine, Benny's, and Matt Smith's cheekbones wasn't as easy as it sounds. I was about to plop down on my couch when I noticed a huge cake in the kitchen. I walked over and began to examine it. "Well that's odd." I thought out loud. And with that out popped a person in a Loki costume and asked,"What's odd?" with a huge smirk. "How did you get in." As I stumbled back in pure confusion. "My dear Thomas, I can own any door I want. And yours seemed interesting. Besides I need a place to, as you pathetic humans call it, 'hang' for a while." It was really him wasn't it. I couldn't believe my eyes. The actual Loki wanted to 'hang' at my place. I didn't realize I had just been standing there staring at him till he cleared his throat and tried to get out.

Loki POV

This cute mortal is just staring at me. Wait, did I just think he was cute. Weird. Well I guess I got to get out now. But that was a pretty hawkward decision because somehow I ended up on top of him on the floor. But the worse part is that we accidentally kissed. This was a new experience to me and it had a new sensation to it. And it drove me crazy in a good way. When I stood up I instantly missed the contact. We just stood there staring at each other. He looked like he was about to apologise when I leaned forward and kissed him again. He melted into the kiss and snaked his hands to my hair. So I pushed him against the wall. He smiled and deepened the kiss obviously liking roughness. When we finally pulled away for air our eyes locked onto each others as if one of us looked away the other would disappear. But I wasn't going anywhere and it didn't look like he wanted me to go either.
Thnx for reading my awesome fellow wattpaders! Hit vote or comment if you want. I'm also taking suggestions for more one-shots so feel free to suggest and I'll put your name on the chapter. Anything to do with fandoms basically ^_^ :3

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