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"You sound so terroristic"
Watching through my peripheral vision, I listened

She hugged her bag tightly to her torso, and hanged up
"You have got no right to tell her that!" An old man opposite them glanced up

He barked "Because I am uncomfortable with her words and wears
"You still got no right!" He dared

Silent chirping in the bus follows,
"She might get some bomb in there" he oozed

It was her belief! I hurt at the brutal words
The teenage girl looked so hurt

Hurting people based on stereotypes, that Muslims are terrorist and enemies!
I guess not, Muhammad Ali?

Like a speed in lightening "he takes her hair cover off
He would definitely blame it on islamphobia when caught



Islamphobia is the dislike or prejudice against Islam or muslims.

Muhammad Ali was an American professional boxer, activist and muslim.

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