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In the Orion, Stinger goes around in his room, thinking how to proposed to Hammy when he hear a knock outside the door
"Who's that???"
Stinger asked while looking at the door
"It's me Lucky, Shou Longpou asked you to come out to do mission" - Lucky answer
"I know, I'm coming right now"
Stinger open the door and saw Lucky standing in front of him, smile and leave, he sigh and also leave his room

"Hey Stinger" - Lucky appeared when he saw Stinger sitting on the couch near the open door, cross his arm and legs
"What is it???" - He asked while look at Lucky
"When will you asked her???"
"Asked her what???"
"Of course about you proposed to Hammy, what's else, what were you thinking about???"
"Oh nothing it's just....I don't know how to asked her, I still thinking"  - He answers
"Well then....good luck, need my help, I think I can help you with that???"
"No thanks, I can handle myself, just leave me alone to think" - Stinger said without looking at Lucky
"Okay then, I'll leave now" - Lucky said, patted his shoulder and leave, Stinger watched him leave and sigh
"What should I do now???" - He asked himself and looking at the necklace in his hand
A smile come from his mouth while looking at the necklace
"I think I know how to do now, wait for me Hammy"

After the mission end, everyone go to their usual jobs, Stinger saw Hammy was looking at him and smile
"Stinger are you okay???" - She asked him, her hand was touching his face
"I'm fine, don't worry, are you hurt anywhere???" - Stinger took her hand and squeezed it lightly
"Me too, you were protecting me so I feel safe when I'm with you" - She smile and hugged him
"That's good to hear, hey I have something to asked you" - He hugged her back and pull her away
Stinger suddenly knees down made Hammy shocked
"What is it.....Stinger what are you doing, stand up" - Hammy tried to made Stinger stand but failed
"Will you....marry me???"
Hammy shocked and covered her mouth, tears was falling down both on her cheeks
"Baka, you know how long I was waiting for this???" - Hammy said and hugged Stinger tightly
"So that's a yes or no???" - Stinger smile and asked
"Of course, I will marry you Stinger, I love you" - Hammy nodded and both of them hugged
"I'm sorry, I can't buy ring to propose to you like people on the Earth did but I think this is how my Scorpion Systems do when propose to someone" - Stinger said and took a necklace out of his pocket
"This isn't your brother necklace???" - Hammy asked when she saw the necklace
"Yes, when my people in the Scorpion Systems propose to someone they love, they did like this, I kept this necklace all the time when aniki was alive, but now aniki died I can give this necklace to you" - Stinger said and turn Hammy's to face him, he open the necklace and wearing on her neck and then turn her back
"You look beautiful with it" - Stinger said made Hammy blushed
"Thank you Stinger, I love it, so this is your Scorpion Systems propose style huh???" - Hammy smiled and teased and this time Stinger's turn to blushed
"I love you Hammy, you're my hole life and hold world, please stay with me forever" - Stinger said and hugged her
"I love you too, I promise I won't leave you and thank you for everything" - Hammy smile and hugged him back

Watching the couple from far, Lucky and the others smile and nodded, they were happy, happy for Stinger because he finally asked Hammy to be his wife
"Yossha Lucky, Stinger has a new member in his Scorpion System now, he won't be alone anymore since Scorpio died, we all happy for him right???" - Lucky smile and said, he cheer
"Of course Lucky" - The others nodded and continue watched the couple hugged and kiss each other


So this is my oneshot and first fanfic, yay🙌🙌🙌
Thanks for 10 people following me on Wattpad, this is my oneshot for all of you, I'm sorry if is there any grammar mistake in this oneshot, I'm promise I will learn to write an another one better

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