chapter 2 (final chapter?)

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A/N: This is very much a possible trigger for people, graphic descriptions of rape.

Purple looks down at Violet,, forcing a smile. "W-would you like anything? Water? Tea? Coffee perhaps?" Purple said as she gestured towards the small kitchen. "Some coffee would be nice,," Said V as she looked away,, trying to find the words to explain. "Alright, It'll take a while but thats okay" Purple said as she glided her hand across the cushion and sad down beside Violet. "Now... about earlier... what was thatt about darling?" Purple said. Voice full of curiosity and cautiousness. "I-i... okay. I saw the Amethyst. The Amethyst, She... she hurt me along time ago. Seeing her reminding me how i let her get away with what she did that night. How I let her get away with... with rape."
Violet said now bringing her knees up to her chest and wiping the tears that ran like rivers. She looked at Purple. Not knowing what to expect. When she looked she felt hurt. Purple looked at her, eyes glazed with tears. Her mouth agape and her brows knitted together in pitty. "Im... im so sorry Violet. H-how did she... yknow? I just... i just need to know how she hurt you." Purple finished that last sentence with a dangerous tone. "I-I was walking home from my office. Working late. I had stupidly decided to stop by a bar and have a few beers. Then i met her. She seemed so nice. Plus with the alcohol that pulsed through me.
I put all my trust into her hands. A-after i was finished, i told her I was going home. She offered to walk me back, so i took up her offer and accepted. We were just around the block when she told me she knew a shortcut. Then, when we were in the dark, cold, alley way. She struck. S-she grabbed me by the wrists and slammed me against the brick wall..."
Violet took a breather as she shuddered and started sobbing once more. She clutched onto her chest as she began having a hard time to breathe. "Hey hey hey! Babe, look at me.. its okay... just,, breathe" Said Purple as she laid a gentle hand on her back and started rubbing soothingly. Violet clenched her eyes and began to calm herself.
Tears stopped flowing but still threatening to slip out.
"S-she then began running her hands up and down my chest and sides, exploring her canvas. She then ripped off my cravat and jacket. S-she then slid her hands underneath my bra,, once again exploring. Then she very aggressively shoved her hands down my pants and started to... started to play with me. I was horrified. I was hoping this was all just a dream. Unfortunately for me, it wasn't. After my body had reacted naturally to the forced touch. She seemed please but didn't stop there. I was holding my breathe, ready to scream bloody murder. B-before i could do just that, she pulled out a silencing piece of metal that clung onto my mouth, making it impossible to make any sound. She then... she then flipped me over and ripped open my pants. Then she once again went to work... I was so fucking terrified. I was crying so much Purple. It hurt so much.... After she seemed satisfied, she left me lying there curled up. In the cold. I had basically cried myself to sleep. I woke up and realized,, none of it was a dream. I had called off that day and spent the day paralyzed in my bed. I couldn't get what had happened out of my head. I still cant... she comes into my head whenever i try to sleep or rest Purple!! I cant escape her no matter how much i try!!"
V sobbed violently as she threw her head back and covered her face sobbing more than she ever has.
"Im so sorry... i'm so fucking sorry that happened to you V... I cant imagine what you've been through... omg... I-I have no words Violet... just... omg..." Purple said as she threw her arms around her and cradled the crying zircon.
They stayed like that for awhile, Purple leaned into Violets ear and said, "Its-" The coffee pot had gone off, interrupting her. Purple looked at Violet and once again, faked a smile. She then got up and made her girlfriends coffee. She knew exactly how she liked it. She handed her the cup and grabbed her face and spoke. "Its okay,, I'll make sure she gets what she deserves and I'll fill in your position today. Its okay baby... I'll protect you. Im here."


A/N: 😫 Holy fuck,, would yall like a sequel to this story? Or are we good? 🙇‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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