Chapter X

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"Why not?"

My heartbeat pounded loudly in my ears, and it was if all the oxygen had been sucked from my lungs at once, leaving me gaping like a fish out of water. How could I reply?

"But it's okay," he continued. "I don't need an answer now."

Now? But what about the future, when he did need it? How would I reply then?

He must've seen the distress etched onto my features because he patted my knee softly. "I'm serious. I'm Pride, man. I told you because I'm too proud to hide my feelings. I'm not ashamed, but you don't have to force yourself to linger on them. They're stupid."

"They're not stupid," I whispered quietly, so quiet I could barely hear myself.


"They're not stupid! You shouldn't call your feelings stupid." I traced some of the dips in the tree bark where we were seated, and refused to meet his eye. "I just...not right now?"

He nodded. Miraculously, there was no trace of hurt in his features. Either he had been ready for me to say that, or he was very good at schooling his features.

"I understand."

I smiled wanly, and peered up at the silver moon. "Is that why you saved me today?"

"When did I save you?"

"It was very brave," I said, and noticed his chest puff up at the compliment, "And you saved me from the Hell Hound."

He snorted, looking away. "Yeah yeah."

Oh no he didn't. I poked his side. "Hey! You can't just say you like me and then pretend it never happened!"

He turned sharply to the side, his nose inches from mine. I held my breath. "I can, I will, and I just did."

"I hate you."

He gave me a toothy grin, sitting back with a laugh. "But if you must know, jeez, yes, that's why. It was instinctive."

"Ah." We sat in silence, watching the bugs and listening to the chattering of nearby birds, probably singing their goodnights.

"Blaine, do you think I'm a monster?" Rowan's voice was hushed, as though he had said the words without meaning to.

"No I don't think so, why would I?" I asked, staring at him.

He appeared shaken, as though he too was startled by what had just come from his mouth. He plastered a cheery expression on his face, stepping off the fallen trunk and offering his hand to me. "Never mind, I'm not quite sure where that came from. We should get back, make sure our hot blooded companions don't murder each other." When I took his hand for assistance, he squeezed it before letting go.

Sure enough, Nioky, Luca, and Ezra were shouting at each other. Elie was leaned against a tree, watching amusedly and making no attempt whatsoever to break them up. Nioky was baring his teeth, Luca was growling, and Ezra's hair stood straight on the top of her head. You could practically smell the blood lust from where I stood.

I ran forward. "What's going on?"

Nioky turned to me, arms crossed. He looked like a pouting child, whining, "There's a soft bed of moss over there, and as the most fragile one here, it should go to me!"

Luca rolled his eyes. "Fragile where? You're not as dainty as you think you are, you ogre."

Nioky spun around, hissing. "Who you calling ogre, you ugly chunk of sour meat!"

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