Breaking the numbers

65 6 0

Hello there. Who am I writing this for again? I guess for me and the other me with different feelings and emotions. I've found myself in a position when I only meditated with this app to see the strike number getting higher every day but I did not do it so I could rest. So I'm taking a break. I'm not meditating so that I can start over with a mind ready to get into relaxing rather than seeing numbers. 

I'm not feeling great and I worry what will happen when I start school again. It's been a month since summer break started and I'm not relaxed at all yet. And maybe I won't be. I thought I could rest and do fun things, but I feel like I'm only wasting time doing nothing. Maybe that's good. But I want to write now. I want to start again and work harder than I did before. Breaking the old habits and the numbers and creating new ones. I hope to succeed. Wish me luck.

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