
15 1 0

Tagged by @Thirstae_Jiminnie

1. Opinion on you?

Lmao you cool I wish we talked more tho

2. Song of the day

Feeling badass today so Agust D

3. If you could change one thing what would it be

My gender lol

4. Most embarrassing moment in your life

When I sneezed and farted at the same time in second grade (no one noticed but still)

5. Do you miss anyone

My best friend bc she moved schools

6. If you could recommend a wattpad book to a new wattpad user which book would you pick

Well 94SEOKK makes amazing books so any of their books and cheejicake  makes amazing books too but then there is also shamelessc  but idk there's too many books

7. On a scale of one to ten how would you rate my stories

11/10 would recommend

8. burger or pizza


9. Can you sing

I mean idk I don't think I can but I've never sang I'm front of people

10. What were you doing before this

Before writing this chapter I was reading namjin smut

11. What sport would you like to get into

Well I'm asking my mom if I could take dance lessons tomorrow

12. What are you afraid of

Not being accepted, having a lot of attention, spiders, etc

13. What was the best moment on Wattpad till now

So I met my best friend of eight or nine months on here and people actually follow me so that's p cool

Okay I gotta tag 13 people


Only tagging nine people because fuck you

Lmao k bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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