2. Birthday | Minyun

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I had already been working at PMC for two months. I hadn't really had time to get information for SKSC. My boss at SKSC had asked that I visit his office one day at 6:00am. I started work at 9:00am.

"When are you gonna get information for us?!" Mr. Lee, the CEO at SKSC shouted at me, "It's been two months and you have nothing for me!"

"I will get you information by the end of this week," I said in a monotone voice

I went home that morning, and then passed by to visit my siblings. I hadn't seen them ever since I started working at PMC.

"Hey guys!" I said as cheerfully as possible.

It was 7:30 and they were heading out the door to school.

"Why haven't you come?!" Daewon shouted at me

"Yeah! You promised us you would visit as much as possible!" Sungmin added

"I'm sorry guys. I've been really busy, but I promise I take you guys somewhere next week," I said

"You always say the same thing, unnie. Every week you say that on the phone," Ara said

"Please just go away and let us go to school," Sungmin said and they headed out the door


I was in my office looking through some information and presentations that the company gave on my computer when suddenly someone knocks at the door.

"Come in," I said loudly

The door opened, revealing two young men, both with bright smiles on their faces.

"Anneyonhaseyo!" they said as they bowed politely

"I am Jung Hoseok," the older one said

"And I am Kim Taehyung," the younger one said with a big square smile on his face

(A/N: Which by the way you should read my Taehyung fanfiction Lost.)

"We were wondering if you could please give this presentation that we are proposing to Jimin, i mean, Mr. Jimin," Hoseok said

"But could you first revise it?" Taehyunh asked

"Umm, sure," I answered

I was looking through the papers and saw that the numbers I had been looking at on my computer were much higher than those in the presentation. I found it quite off.

"Why are these numbers not on the system?" I asked

"We trick our customers," Taehyung said 

"Shhhh! Please don't tell anyone. We are only following Mr. Jimin's orders," Hoseok said as he smacked Taehyung's head and then he mumbled, "Aish. Why am I even calling him Mister? I'm older than him"

"Hyung! Why do you do that to me?" Taehyung whined, "Oh, and by the way, we want to have a surprise celebration for Mr. Jimin, gosh I'm not used to calling him mister. Bring something as a present!"

"Aish! Taehyung! You must be more discrete!" Hoseok said to Taehyung as he punched his shoulder, "Anyways, thank you so much Ms.-"

"Minyun. Kim Minyun. Please don't call me Miss. It makes me feel old, and I'm barely twenty-one," I said trying to hide my frustration from the previous events of my day, "You two are so sweet. Sorry if I wasn't very polite, it's just I haven't had a good day."

"It's fine Minyun," Taehyung said, "May I call you Minnie?"

"Sure," I answered

"See you on Friday!"both of the guys said as they bowed goodbye


I quickly went to the printer room to take a copy of the numbers on the system and then to make a copy of Hoseok and Taehyung's presentation so that I could take it to Mr. Lee, but suddenly I hear the door open and so I take my papers quickly and put them into my folder. 

Another guy came into the room. He was serious and looked like he was about to fall asleep. 

"Aish. Sometimes I just wish I was sleeping at home or on my phone all day instead of being in this building doing paperwork," he said

"I feel the same way today," I said

"Sometimes I just want to die," he said, "But that would be too painful for my beautiful face, so I would rather not."

This comment made me laugh.

"Excuse me, what is your name?" I asked

"Min Yoongi," he said in a really serious tone

"Ne. I am Kim Minyun," I said

"Did I ask?" he said, which left me shocked," Nah, I'm just kidding." he then said and gave me a smile


Friday came and I had a present prepared. I was to give Mr. Jimin a bracelet chain with words inscribed onto it saying "Don't follow your dreams, chase them".

Once Mr. Jimin got into the building, everyone screamed surprise, except for me, I just said it in my normal voice. Everyone followed him to his office and put their presents on his desk. My present was the last to be opened.

"Who got me this?" Mr. Jimin asked, with all seriousness

"I did ,sir," I said shyly 

"I LOVE IT," he said with a big smile on his face and came to me and gave me a hug

My eyes widened. I didn't know what to do and I didn't know what to say. I was just there, frozen, not knowing what to do. 

"Thank you so much!" he said with excitement, "No one has ever given me something like this in my whole life."

"Umm...yeah no problem, sir," I said awkwardly, "I'm glad you like it."

I was so confused at the moment, I didn't know what to do.

"He likes to give hugs," another young man, who was standing next to me, said to me, "I'm Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you," he said as he slightly bowed with whatever room he had because we were all crowded in Mr. Jimin's office.

"The feeling is mutual," I said and bowed slightly with the room that I had, "I am Kim Minyun, but please just call me Minyun, not Ms. Minyun, it really makes me feel old."

"Really? I like it when people call me Mr. Jeon or Mr. Jungkook because it makes me feel older," he explained, "I hate it how a lot of people still think I'm a baby, when I'm not. I may only be eighteen, but-"

"Eighteen?!" I accidentally interrupted, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Please continue."

"I think I have to go back, I have work to do," he said

"Nice to meet you," I bowed, this time with more space as people were leaving

"Anneyong!" he said

Thank you so much for reading!
Jimin was biaswrecking me hard last week and I felt inspired, so I wrote this, hope I didn't kill you!

Thanks to btshas7ahgases for the cover!!

Saranghe, Los amo, I love you

Fighting! ✊

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