Evie's Parents.

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Hope you enjoy!! Vote and comment. That's Evie ^

-Jordan xxx

When Louis woke up, he started to get up, but another body held him down. He looked down and saw    Evie sleeping on his chest. He cooed and lied back down. As he lied back down, he phone started ringing. He looked at the caller id and saw that Harry was calling him, he made sure that Evie was okay and answered the phone.

"Hey Lou, did you drop Evie off yet?" Harry asked through the phone.

"No. She's still sleeping. You should see her right now. She's sleeping on my chest, holding my middle really tight. Holyyy, this kid has a tight grip." Louis laughed lightly; careful not to wake the sleeping child.

"Yea, I can only imagine. When you drop her off, do you want to hang out?"

"Yea sure. I don't know when that will be though. I don't know if she wants to stay with me or go home when she wakes up. I'll let you know soon." Louis said. As he finished his sentence, Evie started talking in her sleep, while thrashing around. "Hey Harry, i'll call you back later." Louis didn't even let Harry say goodbye when he hung up.

"No mommy, don't hurt me. I didn't do anything wrong. I be good. I'm a good girl." Evie said while sleeping. Louis heard this and he started to shake her awake. When Evie woke up, she clung to Louis like her life depended on it. "Don't let mommy hurt me anymore Louis." Evie said in a small voice. She started to cry into his chest. Louis rubbed her back and rocked her. She slowly calmed down. She looked up at Louis with teary eyes.

"I will try my best love. If your mom allows me to, would you like to live with me?" Louis asked. He knows that they have only known each other for a couple of weeks, but everybody can tell that they have a really special bond and trust.

"Yes. Love Louis" She said mumbling the last part.

"I'm sorry, what was that love?" Louis questioned.

"Love Louis" Evie repeated. Louis was shocked.

"I love you too Evie" Louis said seriously. He realized that no matter what, he was going to get her out of that house. She was only eight; she needed care and love. "C'mon love, we have to go get ready to go to your house." Louis said. Evie frowned but nodded. They got up and Louis remembered that she didn't have any clothes. He looked around in the guest room, hoping that one of the girls left something that Evie would fit into. When they finally found something, they went to the car, and drove to the cafe.

They did the same thing as they did the last time; they chanted 'Harry' until he came out of the back. Sure they got glares from some of the customers but once again they didn't care. When Harry came out of the back, they cheered. Harry came around to the front, hugged Louis, and kissed his cheek, and picked up Evie. Evie squealed but laughed. Harry started to tickle her and Louis looked at them with a fond expression.

"So, what are you guys doing here? I mean i'm not complaining." Harry laughed.

"Well, I have to drop off Evie off and I wanted to ask her mother if it was okay if she lived with me." Louis explained. Harry nodded.

"Well do you want anything to eat?" Harry asked. Louis and Evie nodded. "Same thing?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows. Once again, they nodded.

When Harry came out with the food and sat it down on the table. After he sat it on the table, he sat down himself. He made sure to cut up Evie's pancakes to medium size squares. He put some syrup on it and gave it to her. Louis took his food and started eating. Every once in a while, Harry would steal a little but of Louis' French toast, Louis would glare at him but he didn't actually care.

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