The Explosion

57 6 18

AN: If you want to, listen to the song while you read! Song: Knowhow by Fox Stevenson



My gaze stumbled on one of the main screens on the control panel. In big, red letters, the screen read:


A large gasp escaped my lips, and my eyes widened in shock and fear.

Somehow, before I panicked, my mind began to churn with what specifically caused Challenge to malfunction.

The O-Ring must've not been able to fly in the unusually low temperatures. The failure also probably caused a breach in the SRB joint that the O-Ring sealed, letting pressurized burning gas from the solid rocket motor to reach the outside and impinge upon the other SRB aft field joint attachment and external fuel tank, which would probably cause structural failure.

Thinking more forward, the external fuel tank will literally peel apart like a banana and open a hole in Challenge's right side, allowing extremely hot temperatures to flow into the rocket.

In other words, if we don't escape fast enough, Sirius and I are going to be cooked alive.


"I swear, everything was perfect!" I growled to myself.

As if right on cue, an alarm began to blare loudly.

"Sirius!" I shouted to my dog, my voice slightly cracking.

Fear rose in my body like a flood. My natural instincts began to kick in, and I leaped from my cushy chair.

Sirius swiveled his head around and turned it to the side in confusion.

"It's gonna blow up! Run, Sirius!" I screamed to Sirius while dashing down the rocket.

To make sure that my dog heard my call, I whirled my head in his direction. I could see a switch turn on in my dog's head.

Sirius immediately scrambled out of the chair, his semi-long nails scraping against the fabric-almost scratching it. I stopped so he could have a chance to keep up with me.

Once Sirius scurried to my side, I fake smiled, hoping that would brighten both of our moods.

As I glanced back toward the front of the rocket, I reached for my belt with one of my hands, thinking that my tool belt was somehow still wrapped around my hips.

"No!" I cursed under my breath. "I can't believe I took my tool belt off. I would've been able to fix this!"

Sirius gave me a confused expression, his head tilted slightly to the side. I could sense a twinge of nervousness and fear in his eyes.

"Uh, we're gonna be alright," I patted Sirius' head, and a few thoughts whirled through the mind of my own.

I quickly planned how Sirius and I were going to safely escape the rocket.

My eyes scanned for the parachutes that were stored in a box on the other side of the rocket. I remember that they ripped once, but they've been repaired and will hopefully keep Sirius and I safe.

"Sirius!" I poked my dog, making sure he had my attention. "We need to get out of here; let's get the parachutes!"

Sirius let out a reassuring bark in response and sprinted toward the parachute box, and I followed close behind.

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