Chapter 11

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~Mark's P.O.V.~

We pulled away after our passionate kiss. It felt good. It almost felt like a relief to be finally doing this again after a long time.

I was now on top of Hyuck and we were staring right into each other's eyes.

The sunlight peeking trough the curtains made Donghyuck's eyes a very light brown color (a/n: Hyuck took off his green contact lenses in  case you were wondering/triggered). I got fucking goosebumps. I looked away for a second and my gaze was, by reflex, on Hyuck's legs. The sunlight made his tanned skin glow. A little smirk creeped up on my face.

(a/n: idk why I'm cringing right now)

"Does it still hurt?"

"Hmm maybe."

"Do you want me to kiss it to make it feel a little better?"

"If you want to."

I slowly bent down to set a little kiss on his thigh which made him giggle.

"Looks like it does feel better."

"Stop it, Mark Lee."

"You liked it didn't you"

"Shut up Mark." He hit my arm which made me loose my balance and plop on top of him.

~Haechan's P.O.V.~

I accidently made Mark fall on top of me. We suddenly heard a knock on my door and it opened.

"Oh look what we have here."

"Jisung, didn't you look up the word 'PRIVACY' in the dictionary?" I yelled.

"Ahh come on hyung I was just gonna ask you and Mark hyung to come eat breakfast."

"Hold on, who made breakfast?" I asked suspiciously knowing that it wouldn't be our parents since they aren't home for the weekend.

"Chenle. And I helped a little bit I guess."

"I'm not ready to die."

"Ah hyung just get up and come downstairs." Jisung groaned and slammed the door behind him.

"Aishhh that kid."

"We should go downstairs now or your brother is gonna come back and beat you up with a spatula." Mark said before quickly pecking my lips and getting off of me.

"Ah fine, I'll go take a quick shower and brush my teeth, so wait for me." I sighed.

"Can I come too?" Mark smirked.

"Mark Lee, you just took a shower. I know you wanna come but it could wait."


We made our way downstairs. Chenle was in the kitchen with a spatula in one hand waiting to flip the pancake that was changing into a golden color on the pan.

"So what happened between you two?" Chenle smirked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Your lips are swollen-"

"Nothing!" I cut him.

"I don't believe you hyung." Jisung joined the conversation.

"Let's just eat. I'm starving." Mark said trying to ignore the questions that the kids were throwing at us.

"Markie, my hero." I exclaimed grabbing his arm.

I noticed Chenle and Jisung exchanging looks while smirking, but there's no way I'm telling these two what happened yesterday in my room.

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