All Great Things, Eventually Come To An End

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Okay, after writing this chapter 5 other times, I successfully did it the sixth time, without almost crying.

This is the end and I'll miss you all. Honestly, there is no way I can show my gratitude for having you guys read this. But according to the last chapters, I'm sure you all don't care for this book anymore...

Lets continue...

At first, when I started this, I didn't think it would have reads. And it didn't have a lot in the beginning, are you kidding me, this had like 27 reads in total.

But over time, I started working a little harder to publish more chapters. And one day when I was at Culver's eating delicious chicken, I got a notification that someone commented.

It was exciting. Thank you. And then I got around two more commenters awhile after that. That was March and Former Kawaiirain, sorry I used ur old name.

So on and so on, we got here, and now I had all of you. From Nagikae to Karmagisa shippers, to Karmanami and KarmaRio shippers.

Honestly now I'm a little more open minded to Karmagisa, I've read like a few okay. But KarmaRio I can't bring myself to read.... Wonder why?

So this is my official goodbye from this book. Maybe I'll find a spicy meme somewhere and update this shit but I doubt it.


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