Bad End

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Arthur and I started dating for several years now. It's very peaceful. I'm sitting here listening to an audio book with a cup of tea like 3 p.m. It's tea time.

"Love?" I took off my headphones. "Yes, Arthur?" I felt his hand grasp my own. "I have found a spell to get your sight back but there is a risk."

I thought hard. I would do the risk if it means our relationship will get better but what is the risk? "What's the risk?"

"Possibly one of us will be harmed." No harm in trying. "Let's do it. I want to see your face again."

"Alright, let's do the spell a little later for safety precautions." I nodded. "Will you play the violin?"

I felt Arthur's hand leave mine, the warmth fades away. "Of course, give me a moment."

After a while he came back. With a few testing strums he started playing beautifully. It was Green Sleeves by Loreena McKennitt.

Alas my love you do me wrong
To cast me off discourteously;
And I have loved you oh so long
Delighting in your company.
Greensleeves was my delight,
Greensleeves my heart of gold
Greensleeves was my heart of joy
And who but my lady Greensleeves.
I have been ready at your hand
To grant whatever thou would'st crave;
I have waged both life and land
Your love and goodwill for to have.
Greensleeves was my delight,
Greensleeves my heart of gold
Greensleeves was my heart of joy
And who but my lady Greensleeves.

Arthur finished the song with a content sigh. "You have a beautiful voice." I smiled. "And you play beautifully."


It's time for the spell. Arthur led me down some stairs. The place he took me to was cold. "This is where I do magic in my free time."

I chuckled "why am I not surprised?" After some clinking and banging it stopped. Arthur grabbed my hand and placed a bottle on my palm.

"Drink this, all of it." Without a care I drank it all, it tasted bitter. Making me scrunch my face in disgust.

Arthur started chanting some spell. The place where my eyes are supposed to be tingle. "Love?"

I blacked out. (Again)


"Arthur?" I said. It's still dark. I opened my eyes. I can't believe it. "Arthur! I can see!"

I looked for him. I saw him sprawled on the floor. "Arthur, wake up." I shook him, he groaned.

"Love? Are you alright?" He looked at me in worry, I smiled. "Yes, I'm fine and it's nice to see your face again."

I leaned in to kiss him but he stopped me a little. "Love? Why aren't you saying anything?" I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"Oh no...." he started to panic. I grabbed his arms "what's wrong?"

"I think, I'm deaf..." how can this get any worse. For years I had to be blind and now my love of my life is deaf.

I hugged him "I'm sorry Arthur, I'm so sorry." He hugged me back. "It's not your fault, we'll fix his somehow." In surprise he can still talk normally but here and there are a few bumps.


I taught Arthur how to sign langauge and now we don't need to speak over a piece of paper.

Now we're walking around England, visiting Big Ben. (Shush you corrupted readers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

'Do you remember my voice when we did a duet together?' I signed to Arthur.

'How can I forget, that was the last time I was ever going to hear your voice again.' He signed back.

We walked for a while. Signing every now and then until we just want to walk silently. My eyes wondered around stores.

Then a loud beep sounded beside me. I turned to see Arthur crossing a red light. "Arthur!" I yelled but I was too late to push him out of the way.

His body laid in many directions. His blood splattered everywhere. I raced to him and signed if he was alive.

Weakly he lifted his hand and did some signs. 'I love you, forever and a day, my little song bird.'

His hand fell down, signaling he left me. I bent down and cried on his face. Tears, smearing along the crimson liquid.

"Don't leave me!" My cries were silenced by the sirens that wailed around.

"I'll see you again, my little song bird." I heard a faint voice of my love beside me. I looked up to see Arthur in an Angels outfit with a smile.

"In our next life, if we ever meet again. Let's play together once more and be the best of friends." I smiled as he disappear into thin air.
(Who knows Regret Message English cover? Vocaloid, No one? Ok.)

Though, tears continued to stream down my cheeks.


There was a stone with words on it. The skies were gray but not yet ready to rain. People wore black on this kind of day. The day when you celebrate the life of one that has ended.

Green Sleeves played in the background as we all take a silent moment.

Medli held onto Alfred with tears in her eyes but one arm slung onto mine.

On Arthur's stone wrote 'the sun of others.' He may be stubborn but he is kind at heart and can smile bright like the sun.

Soon everyone left, just Alfred, Medli, and I. "He was so bright. So stubborn too." I chuckled at all the good times we had together.

"Arthur, may not have been most of my life but I loved him like a family. Even though we fought." Alfred spoke.

I placed a bouquet of Tudor Roses on Arthur's stone. "Be safe and happy." I then recited his last words to me. "In our next life, if we ever meet again. Let's play together once more and be the best of friends."

(Tudor Roses is the national flower of England)

I hope you liked this story!!

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