Chapter 6

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Dwayne Johnson carried his daughter into the Emergency Room and went up to the window.

The nurse asked, "What's the Emergency?"

He replied, "She has a big gash in the back of her head and needs stitches."

The nurse nodded and replied, "Follow me. The doctor will be with you shortly."

They followed her to the surgery room and waited.

Carla sat on her dad's lap and hugged his neck. She was really scared.

Mr. Johnson rubbed her back, "Its ok Sweety."

The doctor walked in and smiled, "Hi I'm Dr. Freast. I see your daughter needs stitches. That will only be ten. So let's get started. I'll need her to lay on her face so I can get it sew up correctly."

Dwayne Johnson laid her down as the doctor inserted all ten stitches.

Dwayne Johnson carried her outside to the car. They were off to court. When they arrived at the scene. Mr. Johnson sat accessed from Mr. Tryan and his two girls. Carla sat on her dad's lap.

The judge introduced, "Today we are here due to to a bullying act that was done to a little 10 year old girl at Wakefield Elementary. This 10 year old girl goes by the name Carla. Carla Johnson is the daughter of the famous actor Dwayne Johnson. This terrible act was repeatedly done until Carla stood up for herself and videotaped the wrong doings that Jenna and Kristiana Tryan have committed. These girls harassed her and continued to do so until Carla was injured yesterday. This injury was a big gash in her head followed by ten stitches to cover the gash. Let's watch the video for proof."

After they watched the horrible video. Mr. Johnson stood up, "My daughter would always come home and write in her journal. I would like Carla to read it to you if you would let her."

The judge nodded. Carla went up with her journal.

Carla read, "Ever since these two girls have tortured me. They harassed me by telling me my music choices are horrible and then try to make me change...Just when I thought it was over...I was wrong. They then began to criticize my cooking. I made pasta but they thought it was mush... And told me I need cooking classes cause I can't cook.. If it's not music, or food it's my clothes... I told them my daddy bought me these clothes and that they were my favorite... they scoffed at me.. And judged me for everything! I don't know if I can take this anymore... I about had it... If it wasn't for my daddy I would be here today... no I would be living alone in the dark crying... yes my dad is famous but he doesn't let fame take over his love for his family... if only these girls knew who my dad really was they would feel so ashamed for what they did to me. But they don't... they wouldn't believe they would make up another story telling me I was living in a fantasy wishing he was my dad...I'm living in a dark world not knowing what to do... only my dad knows what to do. Yes...why must I live in this world where people judge me for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Judge asked, "Mr. Tryan do you have anything you'd like to add?"

Mr. Tryan nodded, "When my girls were upstairs in their room, I remember asking them why they tied Carla to the spinney chair. They told me they were playing pirates and I believed them. I will honestly say that now I regret believing them. I wish I never did. What they were really doing was harassing her."

Mr. Johnson stood up, "You're honor I'd like to say something to Mr. Tryan."

The judge nodded, "Go ahead!"

Mr. Johnson continued, "You're problem is that you think your daughters are perfect little angels and they aren't! You need to stop believing them and start realizing what they are doing!"

The judge banged his hammer, "Mr. Johnson you said you were planning on suing him for 4 million dollars is that correct?"

Mr. Johnson nodded, "Yes you're honor."

The judge replied, "Mr. Tryan you have been found guilty and will pay Mr. Johnson four million dollars. Your daughters and you will be forced to sell your house and to move out of the states. If you refuse to do this then you will be in family prison for life. However those are your two choices. I suggest you choice number one."

Mr. Tryan glared at his children and replied, "I choice to be in family prison and I will sell my house. I will also fork over the four million dollars to Dwayne Johnson."

The Judge nodded and banged his hammer, "Alright say goodbye to daylight because you will only be seeing darkness for the next life!"

They arrested Mr. Tryan, Jenna and Kristina. Dwayne Johnson got his four million dollars. Carla now can go to school feeling least that's what she thought...


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