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Chapter One

"Okay grade elevens! You are now picking your grade 12 classes meaning you are choosing your classes for senior year! A very exciting time let me tell you but choose carefully!" explains my psychology teacher.

It's the year I've always waited for... Senior year. Well in september it will be but right now it's only march. Still got a few more months until then but might as well make the best of it. Glancing at the computer screen and the list of classes that are offered to senior students I have no idea what to pick. The school system is rigged let me tell you that. They expect sixteen- seventeen year olds to plan out their futures for their entire lives when in reality we still have to ask permission to go to the washroom.

In front of me I'm faced with the computer and to my right is my friend Scarlet and to my left is a guy I have no clue who he is. He has short black hair and is tall from what I can tell, he's muscular but too much just the right amount. I've never actually seen him around, must be new or something. Considering I've been here since freshman year I know basically everyone in my year, but him.

"Do you know what classes you're going to take yet?" Scarlet asks. I shake my head no. She turns back to her computer clicking courses, probably mostly business courses. I quickly glance at the guy on my left who has two classes left. I guess I've been staring for too long because he catches me looking and smirks. I quickly turn towards my computer blushing. Finally I pick my courses but don't submit them yet considering I still have to get my parents approval.

Yes I have to get my parents approval, and yes I'm one of those goody too shoes that does whatever her parents tell her to do and doesn't talk back and everything. I'm basically a hermit, like I stay home and read and fangirl over celebrities and books and bands. I of course have friends, tons of them actually, I even have some in different countries that I've met in different fandoms online.

The guy next to me let's out an exasperated sigh. Should I talk to him or should I not. I don't know I'm not really good at talking to new people like I get really awkward and stuff. He lets out another sigh, he's probably frustrated and doesn't know what classes to pick. "Have you chosen your classes" I ask going against my entire existence over talking to people first.

"Kinda yeah I still need like two more though" he chuckles while answering back while running his hand through his hair.

"Oh cool" I'm so awkward. Why did I have to start talking to him? I have no idea this is so awkward. I may be super involved and in a lot of councils and stuff but that doesn't mean I'm not awkward...

"Have you chosen your classes yet?" he asks breaking the silence. I nod my head show him my classes. "Wow, that's going to be two heavy semesters"

"Yeah but it'll be worth it... I think" Confusion suddenly sets in. Is this really what I want to be taking? Will it be worth it? Of course it'll be worth it, once your making a lot of money it'll so be worth it; but what if it isn't? Then you'll have learned that it's not your calling. I suddenly notice that the guy sitting next to me is trying to get my attention. "Sorry I zoned out"

"Yeah I can tell, you know I haven't been trying to get your attention for like two minutes" he laughs and shakes his head while packing up his things and logging out of his computer.

"Yeah sorry, I tend to zone out a lot, ya know a lot on the brain these days" A blush rises to my cheeks as I hear him laughing again. "Yeah yeah go on laugh at me"

"Sorry, can't help it" he goes back to his computer shaking his head smiling. Now that I think about it, he is kinda cute but he probably has a girlfriend so why bother. But what if he doesn't? Then he isn't dating anybody, not like I'd have a chance with him anyway. In the next few minutes the bell rings signalling the end of period one. "Where's your locker?" He asks me.

"It's just outside the classroom, not that far away at all"

"Cool, well I guess I'll see you later?" I nod and head to my locker with a smile on my face. I don't know why but I'm just in such a good mood today. Approaching my locker with a huge smile on my face and a hop in my step.

"What's got you in such a happy mood" Audrey asks. Audrey is my best friend and has been since I moved here in sixth grade. She knows me inside and out and all that sappy stuff. She's basically my sister and she knows about all of my obsessions, like I mean all of them, every single one and has fallen victim to my rants about how hot and amazing they are.

"Oh nothing special" twirling the dial on my locker I pull it open and exchange my books for the ones I need this period.

"Come on tell me. I know something happened" She says while poking me in the ribs. Should I tell her? Well duh she's my best friend, she's going to find out eventually. But I kinda just wanna keep it to myself for a bit. "Your having an argument with yourself aren'y you?"

"Uhh uhm nope not at all" Crap I forgot she knows when that happens.

"C'mon I know you want to tell me" damn she's so persistent, well normally it's worse than right now like a lot worse.

"Fine I'll tell you but you can't tell anybody" she nods her head excitedly. "Well I started talking to this guy in my first period and I've never seen him around before and he's kinda cute" I can feel heat rising to my cheeks. I'm probably as red as a tomato but whatever.

"Oh my god Rachel actually likes somebody other than a fictional character!" Can she be any more annoying? It's true though, the only guys I fall in love with are fictional or don't know I exist.

"So what if I'm sixteen and never been kissed and never actually like somebody" Yes you heard me right, sixteen and never been kissed but the chance never came up and I'm too busy with my nose in a book. I can't help it! Books are just worlds waiting to be discovered!

"Well school's almost over maybe you could have a summer fling with someone!" She presses.

Ha yeah right. Me having a summer fling? That's near to impossible!


This is a story that i've had on my brain for a while and finally decided to post it! I really hope you guys stick with this story and like it. Please give back feedback on whether or not I should keep writing and if you like it!


-Kat 💋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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