Chapter 6

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*Lukas POV*

She passed out pretty quick. I can see why considering how much time they spend in the gym. I spend a couple of minutes just relaxing, looking at her sleeping so peacefully. She's so amazing.... I doubt she will ever love someone like me. She rolls over and puts her arms around me, laying her head on my chest. She's asleep, I tell myself. She doesn't know what she's doing. I love being around her...

I begin to drift off to sleep, my last thoughts being that I will get the girl no matter what.

*1 hour and 30 min later*(4:00)

*Sirenitys POV*

I wake up, rolling over and checking the time on my phone. It's currently 4:00. I could go back to sleep for a little but I figure I might as well just go get Natalie up. I shake Jeremiah awake so he can come down stairs with me

"Hey, babe? Get up pleaseee. It's already 4:00" I whisper

"I'll be down soon, give me a minute." He responds, giving me a kiss.

I make my way down the hall to Natalies room to wake her up.

"Nat, get up. It's 4:00"

"Okay I'll be down in a minute. Can you let the dogs outside please?" She responds

"Yea, *whistle* common guys" I say, calling the dogs.

They race downstairs to the sliding glass door and I let them out. Then i plop down on the couch, watching a little bit of 90210 before everyone else comes down.

*Natalies POV*
I sit up, rubbing my eyes trying to wake up. I walk to my bathroom to splash my face with some cold water and brush my teeth. Since I slept with my hair down so it could dry, I begin to do 2 Dutch braids. Braiding my hair is the easiest way to keep it out of my face for cheer, especially since i have long hair. The dogs aren't in my room anymore since serenity let them out side. I walk over to Lukas side of the bed and begin to wake him.

"Luka, luka, get up. We have to get ready to leave soon." I say

"I'm up, I'm up" he responds, sitting up in the bed. For a second we just sit there and look at each other. Then I snap out of it and say

"Put your shirt on and come down stairs please"

"Okay I'm coming"

When I walk down stairs I see Ren and Jeremiah sitting on the couch with Sean and Night.

"Hey guys" i say, not addressing anyone in particular.

"Hey" "Sup" "Yo" "Hey girl" I hear in response. I sit down on the couch and my phone dings

*Phone convo*

Chloe: Hey girl, Sophia and I are just hanging out at the house until we have to leave, do y'all wanna come over for a bit and tumble?

Me: Sure! We have a couple people coming to practice with us, is it okay if they come too?

Chloe: Of course! The more the merrier😊. I'll see you in a bit?

Me: See you in a bit😋
*End of convo*

"Hey do y'all wanna come with me and Serenity to our friends house down the street for a bit? They're super nice, and singleeee😏" I say wiggiling my eyebrows at Night and Sean.

"Night and I are in" Sean responds

"Yea I'll come" says Jeremiah

"Yup I'm coming" I hear from luka, who's coming down the stairs.

"Okay well give us a minute to get dressed and then we will leave" I say happy, making my way up stairs with Ren, to my closet.

We wear pretty similar things to practice ever day, today we put on some black and white nike pros with matching sports bras. I have on a blue and green tie dye tank top over it and Ren has a white tank top with just pink tie dye spots. We have on our normal cheer shoes, and cheer bags with water, our phones, wrist braces just in case, and few other miscellaneous things. I walk down stairs, let the dogs back in, grab my keys, Ren grabs hers and we walk out the door. Jeremiah and Night get in with Ren, and Luka and Sean get in my car and we head to what should be and interesting tumbling session....

Hey guys, sorry for the long awaited chapter. It's not even that long but I get so busy that writing is hard. I love this story and I hope to be able to continue writing it. Maybe I need a co-writer? Hmmm... message me if you would be interested in that maybe? But thanks so much for all the read and I really appreciate the positive feed back! Keep reading y'all, hopefully things will spice up a bit soon😏♥️

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