The Beginning

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"hello?" The wounded hero called out as they cracked the bullet proof glass door open peering inside.
The building was empty.
They limped inside the old metal build,allowing the door to slam shut behind them. There arm was wrapped tightly around Their torso to try and slow the flow of blood leaking between their fingers, leaving crimson drops on the light gray carpet floor.
In the center of the floor was a symbol that looked like a shield with silvery wings with the words "reluctant heros" written above it in black.
Years ago the old building in which the hero was standing in used to be the headquarters of the first superhero team ever it was just an old rarely visited museum filled with memories of those who came before.
The hero reached out with his free hand and touched the corner of center banner in front of him, running his hand across the gold thread trim lining the bottoms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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