Forgotten Child

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This is my new story! What do you think? Comment below. Don't forget to vote and follow me! ThanksAnything that you recognize is Stephanie Meyers


I sit in the corner of the living room. Waiting to be noticed. Waiting to be cared for. Waiting to be loved. Though I know that things like that are not coming, I can't help but hope. No one knows or cares about me. They are all so caught up with her. The perfect child. The one who is more human than vampire unlike me. The bronze curled, brown eyed doll who already knows and loves her future mate. Who am I? I am the twin sister of Renesmee Carlie Cullen, the forgotten child of Bella and Edward Cullen. I am Emerald  Elizabeth Cullen and this is my story.

My mother was not expecting twins and no one else could tell there were two beings inside her stomach. I have a very slow heartbeat that is barely audible and I am a reversible shield so no one can hear my thoughts. Because Bella was not expecting twins, she didn't have time to think of a creative name like Renesmee for me. She thought of the first thing that came to mind which was Emerald because of my eyes which I got from my father when he was human. I have my moms wavy hair with bronze streaks through it. My father Edward gave me my middle name after his mother Elizabeth. But after the naming, I was invisible to everyone until my uncle, Jazz, found me on the floor a week later when I looked about five years old.

Because I am more vampire than human, I reach my full maturity level in about six months or so, and I have to live mostly of blood for human food will only last me a few weeks. Jazz found me he didn't know who I was because he could hear the slow heartbeat but couldn't feel my emotions. My power is a reversible shield similar to my mothers. My shield can block my from attacks both mental and physical and I can turn it inside out and rebound a mental attack to the vampire going against me. The physical part of my shield is much more energy consuming and is weak around me most of the time and I can't hold it around me for very long.

Uncle J, as I call him, found me and I explained what happened to me and he understood and took me hunting right after I told him about my amazing childhood so far. Uncle Jazz is cool and he has been helping me master my shield. It is actually easier than I originally thought. He is always calm and collected but lately he has been very distracted. When I asked him why, he said something about the Volturi coming. Who are they?

Comment what you think! Also PM if you can make me a cover for this! TankS!!!

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