22: "I know we are apart but still we are under the same sky Sanskar.."

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"I think there's nothing left for me here"



Swara sat on a stone by the shore.. watching the sky that weaved into different colours as she watched.. just like her life..

After driving her car aimlessly through the wet roads of Kolkata, for hours she stopped by a sea and found peace in sitting by the shore and listening to wraps of waves over one and other. Sometimes silence and a break from other world gives you the chance to listen to your heart and Swara sat there trying to comprehend the same.. she coxed her head to a side and watched the ring in her finger with neutral face.

A tidal wave touched her feet and went away instantly and then came another one. Life could have been so easy if it was made carefree just like nature is.. just like the waves are.. only if it was easy to organise your life as you want it to be.

Her hairs flew on to her face as the wind blew around her,not bothering to remove them she looked aside at the white milky waves and climbed down the stone..

It didn't help.. may be something else would. Swara walked leaving her footmarks on the moist land.. her anklets shinned under the moonlight and that made her smile. It was atleast better.. better than her boredom room..



Giving a look around in the room Sanskar let out a small breath and sat on the sofa there. His mother can be so exhausting he thought and shook his head. He literally had to disconnect the call forcibly saying he was standing in the room infront of the doctor and that's only when Sujata listened to him and stopped questioning..

Doctor took a while to come up so he picked up a magazine. Hense he could only use his left hand,he had to take the support of the arm of the sofa to place the magazine and flip the pages using his left hand.

"Quite in a bad condition I see.."

Sanskar's head snapped towards the doctor and he was quick to his feet..

"Mr Khana." with a greeting smile on his face Sanskar forwarded his hand for a handshake but realising it was all bandaged he took it back and looked away with embarrassment at which Khana let out a small snicker.

"That's fine." Mr Khana gave Sanskar an understanding smile before giving him a once over. Sanskar was dressed in a black suit over a white shirt and loose collar.. quite well being person he seemed. Mr Khana smiled seeying him struggling with his blazer and lended a helping hand just by reaching at his back to help him take it off.

"Thankyou." Sanskar mumbled with a smile.

"That's fine, Mr Maheshwari. Put off your watch and anything if you're wearing it in your hands. I'll have to examine both f your hands and take the X -rays as well." Mr Khana smirked at Sanskar when he folded his sleeves to his elbows quite struggling. "I just hope it's not broken though.." he snickerered a bit that also made Sanskar to smile at him. He seemed really a chessy one.. not more older than him.. they probably shared the same ages quite with a difference of one or two! Sanskar didn't know an appointment to the doctor could be a comfortable one until he came for the one today and when he thought that,his smiling face, that surely no one had seen for what feel like a decade,faded in an instant.

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