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My head spins and I brace myself on the table. I'm going to die. That's all I can think.

" No. I won't let that happen. I'll do something, anything. I won't stand by and let it happen. No." Alex growls.

" Alex. Stop. Just stop." I beg. My heart is pounding and my ears are ringing. I always thought that I would live so much longer. I was going to be the best, the only one to never stop. I was going to be the Reaper, not just another. Now I'm going to to die being the same as all those before me.

" No. I refuse to let this happen. What happened to the fighter and optimistic person that was here just a few minutes ago? You're not a quitter so why are you giving up?" He demands.

" Just let this happen. Don't fight it so you can die too. Tell the next Reaper about me and don't forget what I said about being human. That's what you need to do. Don't try to save me just keep my memory alive." I sigh.

" What is wrong with you? Stop acting like you're already dead!" He fumes.

" And you need to stop acting like I'm not going to die. Let me go so this is easier." I beg.

" No! You don't understand! You are the only one who ever treated me like a person since I was born! My own parents didn't want me!  They kept me because it would look bad if they got rid of their child! So don't tell me to ' just accept this '! You are my only friend and I'm not going let you die if I can stop it!" He thunders.

" Alex, I'm so sorry. But I can't put you in danger. You are the only person I knew I could trust and not lose. I need you to survive." I whimper.

" So you can't go on without me but I'm supposed to just move on? How can be so selfish?" He shouts.

" Me? Selfish? No. I'm willing to die for you and every other immortal. Selfish is not what I am." I snap.

" Keep telling yourself that. Go hide and get ready to die. Keep pretending that you're brave. Don't tell me that you're protecting me. Just don't." He orders.

He vanishes, leaving me alone in the massive library. My eyes burn and I try to hold back the tears. I doesn't work and tears stream down my face. I drop to the ground and bring my knees to my chest. I cry silently.

I teleport back home and just stand in the middle of my kitchen. The room somehow feels empty. It no longer feels like a home. Now it's just a building.

I go upstairs and walk into my bedroom. My room is full of the few personal things I have. I pick up the picture of my family, the only picture I have of them.

My mom has her arm wrapped around me and my dad. My brother is standing in front of us and my dad has is hands on his shoulders. We all look so happy. A fresh batch of tears fill my eyes.

I scream and throw the picture across the room. The glass shatters. I pick up the next thing and throw it without looking. It hits the wall and breaks. I fall to the ground and have another meltdown.

After a few minutes I force myself to breathe and wipe my eyes. I go into my closet and change my clothes. I put on the only thing I can see myself dying in.

I slip the long white dress over my head and let it fall over the rest of my body. I go into my bathroom and pin up my hair like my mother used to. The blonde strands shine in the light. I take one last look in the mirror before I zero in on the creature's location.

I had kept the details to myself but ever since I was attacked I've been able to feel the creature no matter where it was.

I find myself in a forest. The trees around me are taller than any I've ever seen. I walk forward into a clearing. I stand in the fading sunlight and wait for the creature to find me.

A hand grabs my arm. I spin around, ready to face my fate. Shock slams into me.

" I'm not letting you do this. Not alone." Alex says.

" Alex, I-" I begin.

" I don't want you to do this and I will never forgive you for this, but I refuse to let my only friend die alone. You are my best friend. I'm not leaving you." He insists.

" Alex," I choke out." I love you. You're not the best person but you're the best friend I've ever had. Please, protect whoever comes after me. Don't forget what I said about living. Don't ever give up on your humanity. Please. For me." I beg him with tears trailing down my cheeks.

" I promise. I'll never forget. I promise." He whispers.

I hug him tightly and he hugs me back." Bye Alex. And thank you for staying." I tell him.

As we separate I see the creature. It stands on the other side of the clearing. Its white skin and white hair makes it look like a ghost. It takes a step and opens its mouth. A black tongue runs across razor sharp teeth. This is the final fight.

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