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Brynn Fallon gripped her dress tightly as she sat in the passengers compartment of the small space craft the was making it towards Galran territory. To be specific it was heading towards the territories that Prince Lotor ruled over.

The blue haired Phasian couldn't help but clutch the device in her hands. The piece of technology was flat and no thicker than an inch. It held a faint green glow and held very important documents containing the hopefully treaty between the Galra and Phasia.

Letting out a sigh Brynn inspected her robes not waiting to think about the possibilities of what could happen once she landed. She knew that she had already gone over it all more than enough and any more of it and Brynn was afraid she'd drive herself mad.

The light grey dress fell down past her ankles in elegant layers allowing a short section of fabric to trial behind her. There was a simple diamond encrusted waist and neckline that matched the head piece that signified Brynn's rather high position also it held in place the girl's signature hair style. Alongside that the sleeves of the dress dipped long and low reaching nearly to floor.

She had almost neon blue hair that was pulled up into cylinder like curls on either of her head fashioned like a pair of pig tails. Brynn's pale purple skin was dotted with circles mirroring the color of her hair. Despite how exotic she appeared these were yet to be her oddest feature when compared to a human. Phasians often did have unnatural hair and skin colors that were inherit to each family but the pupil-less eyes of the species is what really set them apart.

A sigh escaped Brynn as she felt the space craft lurch as it started its descent down onto the planet that the treaty was going to be attempted on.


Pantheon couldn't help but bite his lip as he followed behind the druids on the way to his lessons. He had seen them kill, slaughter, and do other horrid things yet they still acted so docile and meek. Pantheon knew it was all a facade. Just the way they held themselves and how they never showed their faces gave the druids a disturbing edge.

An edge that Pantheon couldn't help but fear.

Pantheon had Luciel at his side and that was the only thing keeping him moving. Pantheon had the same white hair as his brother the only difference was the he knew why and it terrified him.

Unlike his brother Lotor, Pantheon was not raised to be heir or leader of the great Galran empire. Pantheon was being taught how to join the ranks of the druids. He was to lead them and not the Galra, if not for the sole reason he looked far more Altean than Galra.

He had short silvery hair that reached his shoulders and purplely skin that the Galra were infamous for. However etched onto his skin were the markings that showed his Altean descent. 

He wasn't quite sure how he knew about Hagar's true identity. The altean woman called it all-sight and a gift. Pantheon was beginning to think it was a curse. 

With a sigh Pantheon watched as she saw Lotor and Hagar approach him. The young boy couldn't help but shift from foot to foot in nervousness as he gripped onto Luciel's fur tightly. "Hello." He murmured softly to the two as they stopped in front of him.

"Pantheon," Hagar cooed to the boy as she put a hand to his cheek. "You'll be greeting the Phasian ambassador as your brother and I will be getting preparations ready." She explained to him. "She'll be arriving any minute. I'll have the druids escort you." Hagar finished explaining as she motioned to the druids before continuing on her way with Lotor and another druid on their heels. 

Frowning Pantheon silently followed after the druid guiding him. "You'll be sent out on a ship to meet the ambassador half way in the atmosphere." Pantheon's druid care taker explains. "Originally it was to be held in the great hall but..." The druid trails off giving an almost pitying look to the half galran child. "Plans have changed." They finished ushering both Pantheon and Luciel onto a small craft. 


Brynn wasn't sure what to think when she heard that the plans had changed and a small ship with a connector pod was now asking her to board to discuss negotiations not with lotor or even hagar but Pantheon- a child. The phasian wasn't sure if should feel insulted or worried for her and the child's safety. Rumor has it afterall that after Lotor had gotten himself rejected as heir and unbeknownst to Pantheon but her was now the direct heir to the Galran throne. 

With a resigned sigh however Brynn stood up and walked to the connector pod ignoring the worried and concerned looks of her fellow phasian shipmates as she began to board the other vessel when the airtight doors opened. "I'll be fine." Brynn tells them with an uneasy smile. 

Her lies could clearly be seen. The treaty was a long shot and they knew it. Their only hope was that whatever would happen to Brynn would cause the rest of Phasia to rally behind a martyr. "Good bye." They said to the girl knowing it would probably be their last time seeing her and Brynn couldn't even manage out a reply as she quickly stepped into the pod trying her best to keep her emotions in check. 

This was not the time for her to cry. 


Pantheon was ushered into the connector pod with Luciel as then was locked inside faced with the phasian ambassador. Panic clearly could be seen on the boy's face Brynn merely looked resigned as the doors locked from the outside and disconnected from both sides. "What's happening. I thought this was supposed to be a treaty?" The boy questioned as Luciel whined in concern of his master's panic.

"Have you ever heard of your kind giving treaties?" Brynn questioned the galran half-breed as she ushered him to sit down at the small table and chairs the room was furnished with. "They mean to kill us." She tells him gently as she gives his hand a squeeze.  

"Why?" Pantheon questions his fear only rising.

A soft broken smile made its way onto Brynn's face as she spotted the purple hue of a weak lazer coming their way and she tried her best to keep Pantheon's attention of her. "For me, it's rather obvious, for you however i have no idea." She finishes just as she pulls Luciel and Pantheon into her arms tightly as the lazer hits.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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