Chapter one

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She could hear him. He was muttering to himself, quietly working out the atom structure of the element on the board. Talia had no idea what the answer was, and she knew she needed to work it out, but she was content to sit and daydream. She had many daydreams she could refer back to, either starting again or going from when she last surfaced from dreamland. She had one for cross-fandom portals, one about a genie lamp, even one where she had super powers, but she disregarded all of those. Talia daydreamed about the boy sat behind her, Joe. If only she could have swapped seats with her best friend Susan. She would be next to Joe, and wouldn't have to deal with Johanna. Johanna was nice, but a little too enthusiastic for Talia to bear. Her thoughts were interrupted by the shrill scream of the bell. She walked down the corridor, her shoulders slightly hunched and her eyes firmly on the floor. She felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped, before realising it was Alex, Susan, Alice, and Tallulah. They talked about the lesson, and how Will had shouted the wrong answer thrice in a row. This led to pulling up more of Will's 'moments' until they reached the library. As they walked in, Talia's heart squirmed. Joe and his friends were sat very near where Talia and her friends were headed, and he was bound to start a conversation. Talia pulled her necklace nervously. They sat down and within 3 minutes Joe, Mark and Warren had turned their chairs to talk to the girls. Talia got her book out of her bag. She laughed in the right places and made jokes when she needed to speak but for all intents and purposes she was hiding from the conversation. She could feel someone looking at her and looked over the top of her book. Joe's eyes met hers and she ducked down behind her book again. Questions danced their way through Talia's mind. Why was he looking at me? What did it mean? Does my hair look odd? Were they talking about me? More and more questions filled her mind, until Joe spoke. 'What's your book about Talia?' Talia swallowed nervously. 'It's about a girl who can read people into books by reading the book aloud. It's really good, they get kidnapped by someone her dad read out of the book years ago and her has to use her voice to save them'.
(It's called Inkheart, it's super good xx)Joe's eyes brightened at the sound of it. 'It sounds great! But can you explain something to me......' Talia went  over to him and they sat for a while, discussing theories. Every so often, Joe would brush his leg against hers when the leant to talk to Mark, or put his hand on hers when they were reading. At the end of break time, when Talia was putting her book away, she saw a small slip of paper in the crease of her book. She took it out and read it.
                    You must be made of
                      Copper and Tellurium (because you are CuTe)
Talia laughed quietly. Trust Joe to involve science in this. But she didn't care how he said it. Nothing could bring down this cloud she was floating on. He liked her too. And even maths next couldn't ruin that.

I'm sorry this is so rubbish, this is my first fic and it's not even fandom it's just what I want to happen. Yeah.... sorry about that, but well done if you didn't leave before the end. You are a tolerant person. Thank you!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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