The First Night

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Cody looked around his room.
He didn't have much in there.
All he had was a sleeping bag and his Nintendo 3DS for the night.
He liked the new house, but he would really miss the old one. He was happy that this house was so big and it had so much room to run around and play with his brothers.
Well, only Alex would play. Cody didn't like his other siblings very much.
His dad walked in the room, holding the vlogging camera.
"Where are you sleepin', Cody?" He said from the doorway.
Cody pointed to his sleeping bag.
"Alright, looks fine." Mike said.
"Dad, I'm scared.." Cody said, shivering.
"Cody, don't be scared. It's just a new house. There's nothin' to be afraid of. I know it's all new, but you'll get used to it. Go to sleep." Mike told Cody.
Cody slipped into his sleeping bad and shut his DS.
Ghost POV:
i watched as the father left the red-head's room- er, cody's room.
i felt uneasy about how the dad, "daddyofive" as he called himself for his internet audience, filmed everything.
i hoped the camera couldn't pick up ghosts.
cody looked scared. i kinda felt bad for him.
then i remembered i have to kill him.
i can't feel bad for this kid.
he's energy for me, that's all he is.
energy so i can live again.
i snapped out of my thoughts and walked out of cody's room to see what the rest of the family was doing.
luckily all of their doors were open upstairs, so i didn't have to scare anyone by opening one.
i looked in the older brother's room. i heard his parents call him jake.
jake was laying on the floor with a blanket and a pillow, on his phone.
i went into the sister's room. she looked a lot like cody. she was in a sleeping bag, asleep.
the parents were talking in their room, so i didn't go in there.
i crept downstairs, and saw that the basement door was closed.
i would have to open it. it was going to make noise.
i smiled. maybe this will be funny because i might creep alex and ryan out.
so, i quickly threw the door open and it hit the wall with a loud bang.
uh, oops. luckily that door stopper was there or there would have been a huge hole in the wall.
alex and ryan came running up the stairs, and "daddyofive" came running down the stairs from his room.
"WHO DID THAT?!" daddyofive shouted to the kids, holding the camera.
"it wasn't us!" ryan shouted.
"oh c'mon, who was it then?!" daddyofive shouted back.
i was too busy laughing to realize daddyofive was filming.
the shouting went on and alex started to cry. "it was a GHOST!" he sobbed.
"no it damn wasn't! since none of ya are gonna fess up, i'm going to bed. that better not happen again or i will take away all your games!" he said.
i followed daddyofive back up to his room. he was replaying the footage as he walked upstairs.
"what the HELL?" he said. "babe, look at this!" he yelled, showing his wife the footage. i quickly ran over to see what it was.
the footage showed him talking to the camera, the loud bang happened, he started walking downstairs, and when he in was in the same room as me, the video and the audio turned to static.
"this damn camera is broken! i bet one of them kids dropped it again!" daddyofive yelled.
i felt scared. i was going to ruin all of the videos if i was in the room.
but when i was only one room away, the video seemed fine.
daddyofive's wife got out of bed. "i'm gonna go find out who slammed that door since YOU can't."
daddyofive sighed. "heather, they both denied it and they're gonna do the same to you. you know how them kids are!"
heather, that's her name.
heather stormed downstairs and went into the basement and i quickly followed.
"alex! ryan!" she yelled. both boys ran to meet her at the bottom of the stairs.
"which one of y'all slammed the door?"
both boys started yelling at once, so she shushed them.
"ryan, you first."
"mom, we were BOTH sleeping. there was no way we did it. it was probably DAD!" he said.
"your dad was upstairs in our room. so i know one of y'all did it. but whatever. it better not happen again."
heather finalized, and then went back upstairs.
i laughed. what an ordeal. it was fun to do stuff like that.
a wave of sadness hit me when i realized it was time to go back to the upside down.
i was excited to mess with this family though. it was going to be fun.
i went upstairs and walked into cody's room. he was sleeping soundly. i
i tried to ignore him and went up the to horse sticker. i pulled apart the wall and walked through it, and i was in the same room, just in my world. i pulled the wall back together, good as new.
"how are they doing?" my father asked.
"fine, i guess." i mumbled.
"how was the boy doing?" he asked.
"um, he was sleeping."
"useless information. you're going to be spending every day with them. try to stay with the boy, mainly. when the time is right, you will lure him into the tree entrance." my father instructed.
the tree entrance was a big tree in the backyard. i was going to have to wait until cody went out to play, and get him near the tree. then, i could grab him and pull him in. easy.
"okay. i will do it."
"of course you will. or i will do it myself and use all of the energy for myself and you won't get to live again." my father threatened.
i sighed.
just another day in the "life".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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