Chapter I

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I am "disabled" as they say. But I can walk and run with my prosthetic leg. I can still dance. I can do pretty much everything that perfectly normal kids can. Therefore, I don't think I am abnormal.

But even if I feel normal, it doesn't matter to other kids. I'll always seem to stand out in the crowd. I'll always be that wierd one who doesn't have friends. I'll always be strange.


Today feels so... strange.

Everyone seems fine with ignoring me. But I've figured out that that's not a bad thing at all.

No jeers. No taunts. No whispers. No jokes.

I head to my homeroom. Poking my head through the doorway, I observe the classroom. Instead of desks there are long black tables, which will hopefully make my leg less visible.

Just then, someone knocks me to the ground.

I feel my face grow hot. I knew I shouldn't have thought that I could go unnoticed. I wait for laughs, but instead the boy pulls me to my feet.

His face is red too. "I- I'm really sorry." He looks down at his shoes. I smile hesitantly at him, but only because he really does look sorry.

"It's okay." I wave at him and take a seat.

Surprisingly, he plops down next to me. I stare at him. He's kinda cute...

No, I scold myself. You will not be attracted to boys.

He gives me a weird look, and I realize that I am still staring at him. I quickly look away and stare at the table instead. How humiliating.

As more students file in, I brace myself, but nothing happens. The teacher waddles into the room on brown flats and scans the room. At last she speaks.

"Does anyone know where their classes are?" Everyone shakes their heads no.

The teacher writes her name on the chalk board. Ms. Nowakowski. She turns back to us.

"Since you are all lost sheep," she says loudly, earning a few snickers from the boys, "you will be paired up." The class groans. 

One by one, we are paired up with strangers. I'm last.Oh great, I'm paired up with him. He walks over and looks at me.

And the worse part is, he notices my leg.

And he laughs.

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