Brielle (Lem)

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*Alarm buzzing*

That's quite possibly the worst sound in life. I hate that 5:30 a.m. alarm more than kids do a trip to the dentist! What I wouldn't give to stay in this king size bed until my eyes decided themselves to open me up to this Monday morning. But unfortunately, I'm not at the point where I can run my business from bed.

Rolling over to check my phone I see I already have two missed calls, four emails, and six text messages. Ahhh again, the joy of Monday mornings! Shantel my business partner was already up and at it. I must admit I love that she never let the ending of our personal relationship interfere with our business relationship.

We started our event planning company Elegant Sequence of Events© three years ago and have become what people consider the "go to" people in Florida. It took plenty of late nights, consistent hard work and so much risk. Which played a major part of Shantel and I splitting but I can say all in all it was worth the process.

After hopping out of a 30-minute Hell hot shower as a failed attempt to wake me up, I threw on a pair of slacks and a polo shirt. According to my messages today will be spent mostly on conference calls so I can dress down a little.

To fully pull myself into this day I know I will NEED my coffee. My daily routine leads me to Starbucks. Shantel will need her iced coffee too and to avoid sending this day to Hell before it begins I know to make sure she has hers too.

As expected Starbucks is packed. I see Tammy, being a regular they already know my order. I nod the confirmation of my usual and take a seat to observe this morning's crowd. Business women and men, college students, soccer moms. I wonder for a second where the day will take them.

To keep busy while waiting I head over to the advertisement table Starbucks allowing the public to promote themselves and or up and coming events. I left our business cards there to keep our name circulating. Shantel hated the idea saying, "We do more high-end clientele". I had to remind her we must stay obtainable to everyone to stay at the top of the game. It's always competition out there.

Moving through the crowd I see and hear a group of rowdy college kids obviously still hyped from the weekend's winning football game. One student wearing his support of his team on his pull over sweater, was replaying the game winning catch tossing his arms in the air knocking over a young woman passing behind him. The collision caused all her belongings to cover the floor. The rude impromptu receiver didn't acknowledge let alone apologize or assist with her recovery of items cause by his "championship catch". He now was mid victory celebration dance and continuing with his conversation.

"You would have thought he was the damn receiver for real!" I joked offering the assistance he should have bending down picking up her papers. She chuckled. "Im taller than him I would have intercepted." She joked back. We both laughed.

The mention of her height intrigued me to give her a quick once over. She was indeed taller than the "receiver". Definitely better looking. She was gorgeous. I realized the moment I stared into her eyes. Her being a model wouldn't be a surprise. She was 5'8 maybe 5'9. Cocoa colored brown skin. Slim. Probably 130, 135 max. Her hair wrapped. And smile that made me smile. I realized at this moment I probably was standing there grinning like a kid. I looked down to pull myself together and noticed our business card in her hand.

"Planning a party?" I asked coming back into the moment.

"Oh, um yeah kind of."

"Kind of?" I'm now intrigued.

"Well, my church is planning a few events in the next couple of weeks to engage our community. I somehow "lucked up" and earned the responsibility of planning" she explained sarcastically.

"Unfortunately, I have no idea what I'm doing and I actually heard a lot about this company so seeing the card today was I guess a sign from God I need help." She showed me the card I designed. I smiled to myself.

"The things you heard, were they good reviews?" I asked wondering what the word on the street about us really was.

"Actually, all good which is why I'm going to see if I can get some assistance. Because I needed help like yesterday!" We laughed again. Great sense of humor. I loved it. She smiled. I was captivated again. I extended my hand to shake.

"Well, how can I be of assistance?"

She stood there her confusion showing on her face.

"I'm Brielle Miller."

She looked down at the card and read my name and I'm sure Shantel's also.

"But my friends call me Lem for short. I have my id if you think I'm lying" I laughed.

"No, no. I believe you. I'm just shocked. I asked God for help and first the card and now here you are. Almost like you fell right into my hands!"

"He's an on-time God isn't He!" I added. We both burst into laughter.

"Okay Ms. Miller Ill-"


"Okay Ms. Lem, I'll definitely contact you about the events coming up."

"MILLER!" Kerri an employee alerted me my order was ready.

"Please do. Looks like I'm up so I have to go but my contact cell, email and office number is on the card." I blurted out and regretted soon as the words left my mouth.

I sounded eager.

"I will! You can guarantee that." She sent me off with that smile.

This Monday might not be so bad after all. I pushed the crowd to purchase my drinks and head towards my office I cursed myself for not even getting her name. I could only hope she called.

"You can guarantee that." Replayed in my head. She made me smile. Again.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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