Chapter 21: We Need A Plan

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NOTE: Hey guys. I am so sorry for not posting sooner. I am trying to get my homework done before school starts. I also had a hard time coming up with this chapter. I apologize in advance because of how bad it will be. -Captain



"He'll be fine. He's Draco." Ginny said comforting me. I was glad that I had my friends here but I needed Draco back. A sharp pain shot through my back and I winced. "Hermione. What's wrong?"

"My back... it hurts." I choked out.

Ginny lifted the back of my shirt to reveal that my back was really red. "What happened?" she asked worriedly.

"I- I don't know." I bit out. Another flash of pain ran through me. Merlin, it hurts so bad. What the heck was going on? I dropped my head as Ginny hurried to go get something to put on my back. My necklace burned bright and burned my skin. I grabbed it, throwing it across the room. The necklace was a curse. I saw things I didn't want to see and flet things I didn't want to feel.

Tears fell from my eyes as I stared at the wall ahead of me. Pain shot through me again and I cried out in pain, curling up into a ball. "Hermione!" Ginny yelled running towards me. "Oh my goodness." she gasped staring at my back.

"What... what is it?" I asked nervously.

"Ginny I heard... Oh my goodness, what happened?" Astoria asked with Pansy on her tail.

"I don't know. My back just started hurting really bad and now..." I groaned and whimpered.

"Hermione... how long have you had these cuts?" she asked quietly.

"What? What cuts? I don't have any cuts." I whispered hoarsely. Ginny frowned but started cleaning my back before wrapping me in gauze. I didn't protest. "What cuts are you talking about?"

"You have cuts all over your back. It's bruised and bleeding. It looks like you were beaten."

"What?" I asked spinning around quickly, wincing at the action.

"You should just lie down. Take a break."

"No. We need to get Draco back." I croaked.

"Draco is fine..." I gasped and got up. Ginny kept telling me to lay down but I brushed her off. Draco. I started looking around for the necklace I threw off earlier. "What are you looking for?"

"My necklace. It burned me earlier and I threw it over here. It has something to do with him. I know it does."

"What are you talking about?"

"Draco and I have these necklaces. They help us figure out each other when we don't know what to say. It started out with flashes from each other's point of view. Then it showed us memories of us together and things of the sort. They were all related to love but everything we have seen was about Draco and I. It's never gotten hot like it did just now so it had to be a sign of something." I explained.

My hand moved over something and I brought my hand back, wincing. God that was hot. I quicly grabbed it before throwing it at the table. The green heart was glowing brightly. "What is going on?"

I sighed before grabbing the chain, hoping that it wouldn't be as hot as the gem.

A vaguely familiar man stalked towards me an evil glow in his eyes a knife in hand. "You're going to stab me? How original. Get more creative." I said. Well it wasn't really me it was Draco and I knew that it was him. I heard bones cracking and him screaming in pain.

I yanked my hand back. "Oh my god." I breathed.

"What the hell was that all about?" Pansy asked.

"That was a flash. Like the ones I was talking about before."

"What did you see?" Ginny asked nervously.


"That's great." Astoria giggled but immediately stopped when I shook my head. "What?"

"He's not good. He's being tortured. He's in pain." I whispered.

"We'll get him out Hermione. I promise."

"We need a plan." Pansy said and we all nodded in agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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