Dear diary

25 7 6

School was interesting today. But let me start from the beginning.

Once upon a time there was a girl-

Ahh fuck that shit -.-

I prepared for school like always but then it got interesting.

I just wanted to go out the door with my 'tae' (you know? Tea-Tae? Okay sorry) in my left hand but then I got a message from 'unnkown'....

I looked at the message

"Hay Angelica I really want ro meet you in the park today after school. It would be really nice if you can come. I'll sit on the bench and wait for you!"

Omg. I never got a message like that...

So my first thought was:
"WHERE THE FUCK GET THIS LIL' FUCKER MY NUMBER! I'll definitly go there and kick this bish's ass!"

When I arrived in my classroom there was only Taehyung, playing with his (perfect) hair.

I went up to my seat and drank my tea in peace, looking out the window to the gray sky. It will rain in a few hours maybe.


I jumped up, turned around, throw my cup of tea in Tae's face and slapped his cheek right after.


He layed on the floor half dead and whined like a little baby.

"Oh c'mon Tae.... I didn't even slap you that hard..."

"I don't whine because of the slap! IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE STANDING ON MY FOOT!"

I looked down and immediatly took away my foot.


I sad down and asked Tae why he scared me.

He got up, fully soaked with my delicious raspberry tea.... it was so delicious.... and now it's on Tae.... maybe I can lick it away of Tae's body.😏...

Noh it would look really weird...

" I just wanted to joke around. But I didn't expect that you would throw your tea on me and slap me -.- . By the way the tea was hot! Is it raspberry tea?"

"Yeah! It's delicious you should-
Wait I change the topic. Well I'm not like the girls who just say *imitates girly voice* 'ugh Tae, you scared me sooo much omg hahahha' "

"Yeah, thanks for letting me know that after you slapped me -.-"

He tryed to squeeze the tea out if his clothes.
And trust me, this view was better than looking out the window😏
He pulled his shirt a little up and you could see his 'there, but not visible' abs.
Best view ever.

"Hay Tae, I wanted to talk with you about a girl..."

"Okay but first I have to change my clothes"

I looked at him with wide open eyes and sayed "HERE?! NOW?!"

"No you fool! I'll go the to the changing room next to the gym"

I felt so foolish for thinking he would change his clothes in front of me.

"Well... okay... but when lunch break starts we could talk a little..." I sayed a little sad.

"Sure" he went out the door and then Oumaima and Amina came in.

"What's with Tae? Why is he so soaked?" Oumaima asked.

"Well there was a little accident..."

"Do I really want to know what happened?" She asked again.

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